I just switched from Bit Defender to Avast 5 and like it so far. The only problem I have found is uneven DL speeds when DL’ing binary files with Newsleecher with Astraweb as my news service. With Bit Defender I was getting a steady 350 ish KB/s DL; with Avast the speed is all over the place, from 75 KB/s to +600 KB/s
Any advice greatly appreciated.
Newsleacher kind of creates it own problems by using a non NNTP protocol over the NNTP 119 port.
The supersearch (if you are using it) uses a protocol other than NNTP on port 119 and that is a problem for the mail scanner. The workaround is the option “Use alt. supersearch port” in NewsLeecher options or to put the IP address to the Internet Mail’s ignored addresses. This ignored IP address option is now in the avast5 UI settings, troubleshooting, MAIL (scroll down) and enter the IP address in the Ignored addresses: field, see image.
Note: there may have been a change to the IP address, if that one doesn’t work, try this one,