avast internet security 6 without firewall and outpost firewall pro

i have avast internet security 6 installed but without the firewall because i use outpost firewall pro i have lifetime licence anyway every thing works good together i added outpost in avast exclusions so there is no conflic but i do have 2 problem the first on is when i try to run my browser trough avast sandbox outpost does not recognize avast process i guess because it block it from accessing the internet it opens but it says no connection and i did installed outpost last because there is a compability thing in outpost it recognises which antivirus you are running and adaptes to it and it did every thing i did while outpost was in learning mode its said creating rule for avast and i did go on the net trough the sandbox and it work but it didnt mark avast for that its like it dint recognize the process or something when i get out of learning mode it blocks it again and the thing is if i use sandboxie or kaspersky sandbox with outpost no problem so i guess the problem is just with avast and my problem number 2 is safezone same thing in learning mode no problem but after in real mode opens but no internet i ask outpost about it they made me send them my log before and after the problem and they said avast process or something like that outpost didnt recognize it so i dont know what to do anymore can some one help me maybe somebody had the same problem or knows what to do because i send a message to avast for help 2 weeks ago and still waiting for response so what process or something do i have to add in outpost for safezone and the sandbox because i purchased avast for 2 years and its only been a month i have it so if i dont get this fix its going to be a long 2 years i relly like avast but i also really like outpost and they are compatible that is the only problems that i have so please can some one help me thank you p.s sorry for my writing in english but im billingual in talking but a little bit in writing

Hi steve, you say that you have outpost added to the avast file system exclusions (please double check ) have you also allowed all the avast processes in outpost ? Outpost settings/application rules and set all avast processes to allow all activity.

yes i added outpost in avast file system shield and also added all of avast processes to allow all activity thats why i dont understand what is going on anyway thanks for the reply

Try updating outpost to the new RC 1, iv got no issues with it at all, very stable actually.