Avast Internet Security and Windows 10 VPN

My Windows VPN connection is being disconnected after approx 3 minutes use.

This is frustrating especially when I am transferring data from a server 100 miles distant. I have contacted Microsoft TechNet and they suggested I run tests by disabling firewalls/security programs. Checking the firewall log I saw messages “Firewall haas detected a change to your network…” all timed to coincide with my VPN connection. I added the VPN IP address to Friends but it still disconnected but without a log entry. I then disabled the Avast firewall completely for 10 minutes and connected via VPN. It remained active for approx 15 minutes before disconnecting so it seems that Avast Firewall is the cause of my problem as it disconnected 3 minutes AFTER the Firewall became active

Is there a setting somewhere that I have missed? I run Avast on my Win 7 machine without any issues with VPN.

Program Version is 11.1.2253
Windows 10 is not an upgrade - the laptop was pre-installed and is only 3 months old.

I someone going to respond to my query?

Contact support: https://support.avast.com/support/tickets/new

Thanks - Done

You’re welcome.