I’m running a 30 day trial of Avast Internet Security 6 on Windows 7 Professional 64 bit (fully legal) since yesterday.
But today, I was for about 10 minutes afk, and when I came back I saw a BSOD! The pc restarted after ~15 seconds. When I was back in windows, this was the report I saw:
Gebeurtenisnaam van probleem: BlueScreen
Versie van besturingssysteem: 6.1.7600.
Landinstelling-id: 1043
Aanvullende informatie over dit probleem:
BCCode: 50
BCP1: FFFFFA800905BD10
BCP2: 0000000000000000
BCP3: FFFFF88004323FAF
BCP4: 0000000000000000
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1
Bestanden die helpen bij het beschrijven van het probleem:
Als de onlineprivacyverklaring niet beschikbaar is, lees dan onze offlineprivacyverklaring:
(srry for the dutch language, but I thought it could be helpful)
I never ever had a BSOD before on my laptop, and always was running the internet security suite of Avira, with no problems at all. So I’m very sure this problem is caused by Avast.
Is this a ‘normal’ accident, or are there more people around facing the same problem?
I will return to Avira when there isn’t a solution for this problem and the BSOD appears again.
I’ve recently installed Service pack 1, because someone mentioned that to me.
But I don’t think this was the problem? I realy would like to know what you guys think, because I don’t want to buy something not running smoothly on my system. So if the 30 day trial is expired and the problem isn’t solved, I will return to Avira premium security suite, because I’ve got a license for that which expires in 2013