Avast Internet Security firewall blocking Internet connection

I have used Avast for years and it has worked fine up until I upgraded to Win10 yesterday. Now, the only way I can connect to the Internet is to turn OFF the Avast FW. Any ideas why this is happening?



Check your settings are they Private or Public ???

With Firewall OFF - Internet is working?
if the answer is yes.
The problem is in Application Rules

Avast Internet Security=>Protection=>Firewall =>Application settings (Window Application Rules - Check the blocked rules from list)
or Clear All list Rules and groups.

I use set Firewall Profile - Public.

PS: Avast Internet Security=>Setting=>Components=>Firewall (Customize)=>Firewall Policies (DEFAULT RULES)
I prefer the option - “Ask”

Hi !
I had the same problem in the past !!

  1. In Avast, Settings, choose Troubleshoot.
  2. In the “Restore factory”, click button"restore" and confirm.
  3. In Avast, Settings, Components, Firewall “Customize”, Default Rules, use “Ask”
  4. Restart your PC


PS: Sorry for my poor english