Avast Internet Security firewall blocks videostream for google chromecast


I upgraded to avast internet security and when i use videostream for google chromecast it says my firewall blocks it. It never happened to me before the upgrade.

How do I fix this issue?

Set the correct rule(s) for it in the firewall.


This article refers to the 2016 firewall. I am using 2017. I need a guide how to open port 5556 and 5558 on TCP in Avast Internet Security firewall so why you give me this 2016 article X.X

How do i setup a rule if there is no Desktopapp? Chrome.exe already has full permissions or all does “bars” you can set. Still the Firewall blocks the connection to my SmartTV/Chromecast, if i deactivate avast for 10 minutes everything works. There is no option to setup a rule without selecting a Program right? How to i setup a rule for two inbound TCP ports without a local installed Program? Like firewalls normaly work, IP(s)+port(s)+direction(s)!? I don’t want to allow “all Friends in private mode” that defeats the purpose of my firewall, i only want does 2 ports from a specific IP to a specific IP!?

Things can change quite a bit in 2 months. Suggest trying to disable port scanning and see if that resolves. Assuming you are running avast 17.3.2291.0 version?

Support-ticket #793535 Avast blocks SmartTV/Chromecast

The Port Scanning Bug is already fixed!? https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=199857.msg1388211#msg1388211

(Bolding mine)
Only if you’ve got avast EmUpdate enabled and running. Some users have this service disabled because it is a service they seem not to want running on their system(s).

If not disabled, reboot, wait 8-12 minutes after reboot while connected to the internet, and then reboot again. You’ll need to reboot two times for the fix to work. Better?

Also, listing of known issues on latest version .2291 here: https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB268