I’m not sure if this is normal behaviour, but thought I’d ask on here to check…
I just installed Avast Internet Security recently and noticed that although the Avast Firewall was running, Windows Firewall hadn’t been disabled.
So, I went ahead and disabled Windows firewall, thinking the Avast Firewall would probably prefer to be the only firewall running on my system.
However, as soon as I did that, the Windows 8 Action Centre popped up reporting that no Firewall was detected/running.
I’ve re-enabled the Windows Firewall again and the system is “happy as Larry” again, but just wondered whether I should be running Windows FW and Avast FW at the same time?
Is there a specific reason that the Avast FW is not detected by Windows?
Avast actually recommends leaving the Windows Firewall on. It does not conflict in any way with the Avast Firewall. This may change in the new v8. We have yet to see. Why the Win8 action center does not see the Avast Firewall I have no idea. I just tried it in Win7 and it it is detected.
What settings are you using in the Avast Firewall? If it is set to auto decide, I would definitely recommend leaving the Windows Firewall on to have better incoming protection. On auto decide, the Avast Firewall is (in my opinion) very weak and allows just about everything. I would say to leave it on auto until rules have been created for all your currently installed applications and then switch to ask and use the Work zone. It works very well that way. You will get prompts for any new connection attempts which may be somewhat annoying but provides much better protection. If you don’t want a rule created but want to allow the connection of something, deselect the remember box and the connection will be allowed but no rule will be created. This is useful for things like installers which often connect during the installation process but don’t run again after the program is on the system. You can keep your rules down to only those needed in everyday use by not remembering those one time only connections.
I meant there may be differences in Avast 8 that may require the Windows Firewall be turned off. Just speculation but they are adding new firewall technology licensed from Agnitum.