Avast Internet Security Latest and Windows 7 Pro Firewall?

I have Avast Internet Security installed on my laptop. I have Windows 7 Pro 32bit for my OS. I notice under the Action center if you click on security it says that Avast and Windows Firewall is turned on. It also says that running more than one firewall could have conflicts. Should I turn the windows 7 firewall off? I already turned the windows defender as it stated it didn’t need to be on with Avast. Thanks in advance for any help.

Running both the Windows Firewall and AIS is no problem.
AIS is built to be run side-by-side with the Windows Firewall.
You are good to go. 8)

Sweet!! Thanks for the info. I didn’t know that. Is that for all versions of windows or just windows 7?

All versions. :slight_smile:
