Hope someone can help as exhausted options!!
Bit long-winded but: I have a desktop with XP & laptop with Windows 7. Two years ago I installed Avast full on laptop & never had any problems. At same time I installed same avast on desktop.
I use Outlook Express all the time there. Basically it brought in one email then froze; at same time, my router cut out. Closing OE & rebooting router was ok & could get Internet up. Could check my Orange email on their website. However, if I open OE again, it freezes & cuts router off. It also doesn’t clear any messages in transit.
After uninstalling avast I downloaded the free version & never had a problem again!
Have just renewed avast & exactly same thing happening again, with one difference. It lets me use OE now but not Internet at same time & vice-versa. For the first hour it was freezing OE & had to keep re-booting the router.
If I can’t sort this soon, think I’ll be back to using the free version on my desktop!
Thought an update useful!!
Last night OE worked perfectly … until I opened Explorer then the router crashed. However, if I open Explorer first, then OE, no problems I’m aware of!! What a peculiar problem but I’ll stick with this format until someone advises as to why.