Avast Internet Security prevents Premiere 2017 and After Effects from loading

It took me a while to figure this out but the first thing I noticed was that Lightroom CC 2015 would take almost a minute to load with the Lightroom title bar displaying (Lightroom is not responding). Then I installed a trial of Adobe Premiere and it would not load with an error that it could not find any capable video play modules. The Premiere loading banner showed it gets hung up loading plugins. If I turn of the Avast shields before starting Premiere or Lightroom they both load immediately and the problem about video play modules in Premiere does not occur. Adobe After Effects displays no error but hangs when trying to load if the shields are up. Turn them off and After Effects loads quickly with no problems. I have tried turning off individual shields but the only cure is turning off all shields. Avast does not report blocking anything but it is definitely the problem as all the mentioned programs function correctly if shields are turned off. I can turn them back on after the program loads and there is no problem I have noticed. It is inconvenient to have to turn shields off every time I want to run one of these programs.
Under application rules these programs are set to allow all connections and the default is set to Allow.
This is in Windows 10 14393.576 and the Adobe software is all up to date according to the CC app

You could try the latest beta: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=15

It is not the first time this problem is mentioned.
Search a bit and you might find a possible solution.

I have seen it mentioned but not answered other than to ask if everything was up to date etc. No solutions offered that I could find

Is the beta an option for you…?

Yeah I suppose I could install the beta. Is there any reason you think it would be helpful in my situation?

Probably better to wait, new version will be out soon.

Did anyone find a solution to this? I have searched so many forums looking for an answer. I have 7 Adobe products, all retail and licensed, and Avast Premier 2017 ( Build 17.9.3761.278) will not let any adobe program open. There are no viruses, and nothing in virus chest. They have all worked before. This is a new install of Windows 10, nothing corrupt. I have to completely disconnect from internet, turn Avast completely off to have any Adobe product successfully load. Any ideas other than going to Kaspersky?

https://support.avast.com/article/168/ (Excluding files/websites)

I have tried all this. The entire Adobe folder is excluded from Avast components as described above. I have the same versions of Adobe products last install and they are worked. There is something in this Avast build that still prevents Adobe products from loading. The only product that successfully loads is Acrobat, Photoshop, Lightroom and Illustrator. After Effects, Premier Pro, and Media Encoder (all of which require graphic processing). Thanks anyway.

Further, Adobe products and their plugins are susceptible to virus attacks in general, why would I need to exclude such an entire folder? I have been an Avast user for many years, and never encountered this issue. It really sucks, as I have to tie into my office for comps and now I can’t, causing me to loose work. I hope this is addressed soon.

Contact support: https://support.avast.com/contact

Just as I read “Contact Support,” I just uninstalled Avast and had to go with another Antivirus program. Sorry, I need to work. I’ll keep tabs on the forum here, as well as the Adobe forum. Good luck to all those who are using the current build.