Avast Internet Security - "Trace" and "Show detail" doesn't work

Hello everyone.

I’m currently using AIS, latest version.
Strangely, the Firewall functions “Trace” and “Show detail” Doesn’t work, it just shows a blank page.

I already tried to repair Avast!, but no success.
I also scanned with MBAM, Avast! and ESEt Onlice scanner with nothing detected.

Is this problem with my computer?

Thank you guys for helping me.

I’m not 100% sure but I think I’ve read post before regarding the "lack of function"j with the Trace and Show detail option.
I hope someone corrects me if I’m mistaking.
You could submit a support ticket and discuss it in the query if no helpful advice is offered.

Contact Avast support:
http://support.avast.com > Scroll down and Submit a Support Ticket

Ok, I will contact the Avast support if nobody comes with a advice.
Thank you.

Hi Nori-chan :slight_smile:

I am not 100% sure, but I beleve for such interface functions of Avast to work, you need to have Flash installed ( for IE ).

Greetz, Red.

Thank you for the reply.
I tried to install Flaash Player for IE, but it seems it comes installed together.

In Windows 8 and 10 flash for IE is installed and maintained by Windows updates.

I can confirm this bug.

FWIW, I have the current Flash ActiveX and Plugin installed.

Tehn it looks like a problem for Avast! itself (probably).
Maybe a problem with GeoIP (I think that’s the name)?

I think that’s heading in the right direction.

I haven’t found the topic I thought I read, but it also was a discussion about this Trace option not functioning and I’m not sure it ever has.
Again, I may be wrong. :-\

Seems to work for me

Thanks Martin, I stand corrected! 8)