Avast Internet Security - which are best tests & reviews to read ?

Currently I have Avast Free as my av and Comodo 5 as my firewall. I have to say neither sit well with each other and to be honest I blame Comodo the most. If I update Comodo I cant do it without removing Avast first, otherwise the Comodo menus freeze up and all kinds of problems arise.

I am thinking of buying AIS and keeping my av/fw as a suite rather than the two programs I currently have which dont like each other, at least on my xpsp3 laptop.

So, I’d like to know which reviews of AIS you think I should be looking at to compare AIS capabilities to Comodo. Are the Matousec reviews any good these days ? I note AIS scores very poor compared with Comodo on those, although I am rather suspicious of Matousec after Online Armor disappeared over arguments rather than capabilities. Anyone can explain this for me ?

Any help appreciated, guys …

I run Comodo and avast free too. I will give you advice on how to make both of them run well.

  1. Uninstall avast and Comodo.
  2. Downlaod a avast and comodo firewall (make sure is comodo firewall and not internet security)
  3. Install avast.
  4. Update and configure it to your liking.
  5. Install Comodo.
  6. Right click and put Defense + and Firewall into training mode.
  7. Restart.
  8. Now launch everything that you use and everyrthing that require a internet connection.
  9. Put all avast files into Trusted under Defense + (avast files can be found in Program files and program data in win 7)
  10. Put aswupd.exe (If I am not mistaken that is the name of avast update)file into trusted into firewall.
  11. Put Defense +and Firewall back into safe mode after you are done.

It should solve your problem. I never have any issue with that set up. Online Armor is good. Persoanl experience. But I stop using it as it sometimes didn’t learn anything even when I put it into learning mode. From what I read at Wilders Security, Matousec demamnd more money for the test and Emisoft refuse to give. Hence Matousec remove Online Armor. Online Armor is quite a good firewall.

See here for more info : http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=281529

Folks at Wilders take security very seriously.

Matousec tests are very biased plus they are testing the hip’s capabilities which avast does not use so it’s rather pointless of Matousec to even test avast imo.
Testing reviews can be found at av comparatives http://www.av-comparatives.org/ and virus bulletin http://www.virusbtn.com/index and malware research group http://malwareresearchgroup.com/2011/07/mrg-flash-test-22072011/

Care to explain?

Why do you think comodo is always at the top of there reviews $

Hi Guys

Thanks for all your help and also to LunarWolf.

Having read the comments, I am going to try AIS first and see how it runs, if I end up not liking it I will go back to Avast Free and Comodo Firewall.

I have 5 AIS Licenses.

I think the best test is to install the trial version and use it.

Has anyone on the forum run AIS against a batch of tests and compared it to other security solutions ?

We leave that job to avast and the proper testing companys that i posted in reply 2.


I did a ton of reading then I tried the free AV for a while beforfe deciding and liked the product and avast! as a company. I then tried the AIS and liked it as well. Then I gave them soem money. I don’t mind paying for a good product and the good people at avast! need to pay bills just like every other company. A good produce deserves financial support, otherwise there will be no free products for anyone to use.