Avast is blocking my outgoing email

Avast is blocking my outgoing email, for example I tried to send a .exe file to a friend and it wouldn’t let me send it, another time I was sending a friend a web link and it would not let me sent that link.
Needless to say the exe file was innocent (A free screen capture program called MWSnap) and the web link was just a web link to a site I was trying to share with a friend.
I also tries sending the emails to myself from a web mail and Avast blocked them and sent an bounce message to my web mail.
How can I stop Avast blocking my emails, outbound and inbound?

is there any popup message from avast?..if so, what does it say

The pop up error message was that the Server thought is was a suspicious message. I only just found out it was Avast and not my email provider because Avast sent me an email telling me it had blocked the email.
The problem has been driving me crazy for quite some time and I was naturally blaming the ‘server’.
However I found a setting in Avast (Under 'Mail Shield/Settings) to turn off mail checking and now I can send the exe file so at last the problem has been flushed down the cyber sewer.
Thanks for trying to help.

When sending .exe files it is recomended to zip and password protect the file…using a zip program that also encrypt the content like Winrar or 7zip

Many mail providers block sending of .exe files like Gmail