Avast is disabled

I have a strange problem. My AV get disabled ???
after installing it and reboot my PC, I find it disabled in the taskbar… this gose for avast, AVG & AntiVir. And it’s useless trying to reactivate the on-access scanner.
I formated my C: partition and made a full boot scan, my PC is clean ???
What is wrong? I need help guys please :cry:
thanx in advance. :slight_smile:

The last comment may be the root of your problem if you have multiple anti-virus versions on your system (rather than uninstalling before trying another).

So do you have multiple AVs installed on your system ?

no, I use only one at a time …

You mean disabling or uninstalling/installing?
Remains of other antivirus could mess your computer.
I suggest on-line scanners and not AVG/Antivir as a second opinion.

Well that is the root of your problem (as I suspected) as avast will detect the presence of the other AVs (I thought you would have seen that from many similar posts) and disable elements to avoid a conflict that could lock up your system

You have to make a choice as to which AV will be resident and uninstall avg and antivir.

Even if something is disabled its still installed. Uninstall all your other av’s and just try running Avast.

and run their uninstall tools in addition to add/remove programs
There are several good on line on demand scanners
Bit-defender will actually help you remove any baddies found and uses heuristics (but you have to set scanning paramaters)which Avast does not
(hint- watch all for false positives and upload hits to virus total before nuking your system, also check with google
Kaspersky is extra good at hunting Trojans
A-squared for Trojans but see hint above
do you have any reason to think you are currently infected?
do you routinely use p2p or have any other nasty habits?
If so post a HJT to your favorite anti spyware site, change passwords etc
I’d run CCleaner or similar before any scanning
just IMHO’s
what’s your favorite anti-spyware scanner?
(for a 2ed opinion in addition to Avast’s built in one?)