My site was hacked. We’ve fixed the hack, changed all pertinent passwords and removed malicious content. Avast is still flagging as an attack site for phishing.
How do I get a review and removed from the flagging listing?
No cloaking detected, nor spammy looking links, nor iframes for that matter,
so wait for a final verdict from avast team, as they are the only ones to come and unblock.
polonus (volunteer 3rd party cold recon website security analyst and website error-hunter)
I would have thought that virustotal would have gone for the domain name and not have different unique detection returns url entries for http and https when they are basically returning the same data with the same companies making the detections.
But such information can be critical, where https/http downgrade attacks are being performed.
It is all about a secure and less secure or rather insecure connection to a website’s server (front-end/back-end),