I Tested Avast internet security and i downloaded a trojan for testing purposes
But avast dint detect that trojan and later I uploaded that file to Virus Total and only 17/70 anti virus software detects it
Here’s the link to the Detection
You can report a suspicious/malicious sample (File/Website) here: https://www.avast.com/report-malicious-file.php
First Submission 2018-12-08 03:19:18 Last Submission 2019-03-16 22:29:11 Last Analysis 2019-04-07 03:53:20
Not Malicious exactly.Also the detection by eset is for PUP (potentially unwanted program) not malware.
File Version Information
Copyright: MIT
Product: WeAreDevs_API.Properties
Description: WeAreDevs API v1 CSharp
Original Name: WeAreDevs_API.dll
Internal Name: WeAreDevs_API.dll
File Version:
Comments: Used to build software accessing the Lua C API