Avast is not good in detecting Trojans?

I just heard that Avast is not good in detecting NON-virus stuff like Trojans. I think this is false. Anyone one who really knows Avast 4.6 can tell me if this is false or true. I dont believe him. He said that it cant really detect Trojans. Or just a note: He was a NAV user.

Please read the malware removal section on my website. (see my signature)
I believe it will make things more clear for you.

There is so many malware, that it is impossible for 1 application to detect it all.
Therefor there are applications that concentrate on 1 or a few kinds of malware.
Nowadays anti-virus software is basicly a wrong naming, they do not only detect virusses, but all kinds of malware.

Ok. Hey i maybe goingdownload AVG version 7.1 as a On-demand Scanner and im going to disable the ON-access scanner beacuse i got Avast. Is this ok to have these on my computer? I have only Avast and ANTIVIR, which ANTIVIR is deacivate because Avast is on.

Avast: On with On-access Scanner. You know the providers
AVG: NOT ON, just for scanning
ANTIVIR: NOT ON, just for scanning.

No trouble if you do not install ANY resident (on-access) scanner. Not even the email providers…
The Explorer Extension won’t hurt.

So i just disable the resident scanner of AVG and i be fine?

No, NOT INSTALL which is different than disable.
After, you can set both AVG services to manual run (but you can let them to automatic).

Ok thanks

Having 3 av’s on 1 system is a overkill.
Better use 1 av and a online scanner as backup.

Why? You’ll call me crazy as I have 6 backup scanners…

I heard that antivirus’s and firewalls install drivers into your operating system kernal so that it starts as soon as the OS boots, so won’t having two or more AV programs cause a conflict? I was told before that drivers can cause problems even if they aren’t running. I don’t know… I might be wrong, it’s just a thought. :-\

If you don’t install the residents, no.

Yes, some of them really cause problems. AVG, for instance. Others, maybe. I admit that for normal users, just one antivirus and firewall or, problems will come.

Hey guys but i was told its a good idea to have both Avast and AntiVir on your computer just make sure you disable one of course. Go here.


Just copy and past, read the first comment.

:slight_smile: That 1st “Comment” in your link was too general and
ambiguous; would NOT have Avast & AntiVir on the same
computer .
I agree with Eddy .

       For anti-trojan "protection", I use BOTH Avast & Ewido,
  the latter is available FREE from www.ewido.net/en

Not a trouble at all. Backup scanners are normal in a lot of computers.
I can only agree that you blame against this if it is suggested to all users.
If you know what’s going on, second non-resident scanner won’t make any hurt.

I uninstall Antivir. I got 2 questions: 1st: Since i had problems with NAV that not all stuff was uninstall therefore i had to use some tools to remove everything from NAV on my system, is everything off my computer from Antivir? 2st: I download the Ewido you mention, i have the Pro version free for 14 days, now when this is over and i go back to the free edition i wont get Real time protection?

NAV and some other AVs leave stuff behind on uninstall. however, I haven’t come across any posts about AntiVir leaving stuff behind, so I can’t say for certain.

For the most part you only know when something is left behind is when avast complains or doesn’t properly install because of the presence of these registry remnants. So if avast is working fine you are probably in the clear.

:slight_smile: When “removing” any program from my computer, I always
follow the same 3 steps : 1) Uninstall thru Add/Remove
Programs ; 2) Use my computer’s “Search” feature, select-
ing “All Files & Folders” and using the appropiate Search
“term” and delete everything possible it finds ; 3) Use a
SAFE Registry Cleaner, to remove entries there.
Concerning Ewido : after the 14 day “trial” ends, you will
no longer have “realtime protection” or “automatic
updates” . Since their updates come out as frequently as
Avast, should get them at least every 3 days. You may be
interested in an “Ewido Quick Guide” available at :
One word of caution : Ewido may detect “Win32Heu…Dialer”
as a “Moderate Risk” that is associated with your ISP ;
just “Ignore” it as I did when it happened to me .

Ok thanks, i will do things you said.

How can use Install either AVG or Anti-Vir without the Resident Scanners?

Been a while since I had AVG, but for Anti Vir, when downloading Anti Vir, they’ll ask you if you want to enable Active Guard, make sure you say no or uncheck the Active Guard.