Avast is not protecting my computer

I have the paid Internet Security current version, and updates… however I am having some major issues with my firewall not responding to my settings. Within the past 2 days, my PC has been sending/receiving information from multiple networks that Avast should not be allowing. For example… a government organization in the UK (???), now today somewhere in the middle of the ocean without info about the IP address. Someone please help me to restore my Avast to protect my system from any further “weird” stuff happening.
Thanks in advance.

BTW, all this weird stuff started happening back the end of October. I did go to bleepingcomputer.com for help because I didn’t think it was an Avast issue. After running several tests, the expert who helped me told me that Microsoft Security Essentials and Avast were conflicting with one another and to remove/uninstall one or the other. He suggested getting rid of Avast, however I just paid another $30 for a years worth of protection, so I kept Avast and got rid of Microsoft. Now I am wondering if I did the right thing. I truly need help please

Within the past 2 days, my PC has been sending/receiving information from multiple networks that Avast should not be allowing. For example... a government organization in the UK (), now today somewhere in the middle of the ocean without info about the IP address.
How do know this? Explain your problem in more details...

My CPU will run at about 95% for 30-40 seconds periods intermitently while I am online. So, I checked my real time shields and my network connections were compounding as I looked at it… up into the thousands. So, I just checked the last network connection and it had a strange IP address, so I used the network utility in the firewall section and did a trace. Does that help?

See the guide here. http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0 …scroll down to OTL
Follow instructions and attach the diagnostic logs

A malware expert have been notified and will have a look…

Ok will do and thank you so very much!!

Here are the OTL logs and the mswMBR log. I will send the rest as I do them. Thank you!


Here is the OTL log. Sorry I will have to send them one at a time. Hope that’s ok.

Could you attach the extras as well please as that will show me network connections


Do you have the link for the thread at bleeping so that I can see what he did

No one from bleeping has responded to my query yet. Haven’t received and help from them, and I posted yesterday. All they did was move it from the general forum to the “virus…infection…” forum list.
Here’s the link to my request for help. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic478237.html

OK lets look with a slightly different tool, at the moment I am trying to locate the problem area

Please download MiniToolBox, save it to your desktop and run it.


Checkmark the following checkboxes:

[]Flush DNS
]Report IE Proxy Settings
[]Reset IE Proxy Settings
]Report FF Proxy Settings
[]Reset FF Proxy Settings
]List content of Hosts
[]List IP configuration
]List Winsock Entries
[]List last 10 Event Viewer log
]List Installed Programs
[]List Devices
]List Users, Partitions and Memory size.
[*]List Minidump Files

Click Go and post the result (Result.txt). A copy of Result.txt will be saved in the same directory the tool is run.

Note: When using “Reset FF Proxy Settings” option Firefox should be closed.

Ok. I already have MiniToolBox on my PC. I will run and attach for you. Thank you for being so very patient.

Not a problem as I like mysteries

Forum message error: message exceeds the max allowed characters, so I am sending at as attachment since I saved it results to my desktop.

How do I post a copy if the forum won’t allow me because it has over 10,000 characters. I tried doing it as an attachment and that didn’t seem to work?

This is beginning to drive me crazy. As I am awaiting your reply… I checked my networks again and now my PC is exchanging info with Bar-Ilan University Network in Haifi Israel

if not to big (like OTL that will be 10 posts with copy and paste) then split on two and post
or… attach

I did attach earlier I will try again.