It took me 23 minutes for a “Quick Scan”, but I don’t know HOW to determine how many GB of files that I have. All I know is that when I click on “Computer”, the C Drive is noted as having “115 GB free of 138GB”; is the difference the amount of files?
I don’t know what “names” that Avast! gives to its screens, but I can explain what I mean (I don’t know how to provide screenshots!):
When you first log-on to avast! there is a screen (the “main screen”?) that notes (among other things): Date of last scan: 4/1/2008 14:56 (which is what mine currently says), which is noting the date and the supposed amount of time that the last scan took
However, when I actually finished the scan that this particular note is referring to (using what might be called the “scanning screen”, or some such), at the end of said scan it indicated that the scan actually took 23:36 minutes to complete!
Thus, the main screen is lying about the amount of time that the scan actually took! In addition, I have absolutely now idea what “SUI” means!
Too, like alanrf, all my test scans have taken about three times as long to do in 4.8.1169 as they did in 4.7.1098!
“There is definitely something amiss” as alanrf says! I don’t know about him, but I have Windows Vista with its new Service Pack 1, and I feel that perhaps the Alwil team is not yet up to date with the new Windows, or some such.
In any event, I won’t tolerate such slow scan times, or “lying” about them! Taking about three times longer to scan than it did in the last version of avast! is unacceptable, and “lying” about it is deceptive and reprehensible!
Thank you for any help you might be able to give me in this matter (none of my above anger was directed towards you, of course)!
In the meantime, I’m waiting for the Vista SP1 version of AntiVir to come-out in the next few days, unless avast! gets fixed soon. . . .