Avast is telling me my license is expired when it's not, and won't let me update

Currently, my computer says Avast is offline. I bring up the Avast window, tells me my subscription is expired.

Except it’s not. If I go to the webpage and log in, it says I have a license that’s good until Oct. 2015, and the both my computer and my roommate’s computer have that license installed. If I download the license, Avast will bring up the Update window…which then sits there, doing nothing.

To add to my problem, if I go back to the Avast program window and click on the “Renew” button, I then get a screen that says “The content is temporarily unavailable. please try it again later.”

I am having the same trouble. I keep getting a message that my license has expired but when I sign on it says the expiration date is Aug. 15, 2015. What gives? I also get a message that my computer is unprotected!

Repair avast!:

  1. Control Panel → Add/Remove programs → avast!
  2. Click on ‘Repair’.
  3. Follow instructions.
  4. Reboot.

Okay, fixed it!
I had been having issues with my Windows Start Up and didn’t consider that the two might be related. So, I did a Windows CD repair, and everything’s all good now. Currently doing a deep scan of my comp to make sure no bugs crawled into my system. :slight_smile: