I already spent 5+ euros because Avast antivirus-antitheft sent useless ghost SMS in Czech Republic.
The worst thing is that it send SMS even after I uninstalled it from my cell phone.
Any hope to solve this problem?
I already spent 5+ euros because Avast antivirus-antitheft sent useless ghost SMS in Czech Republic.
The worst thing is that it send SMS even after I uninstalled it from my cell phone.
Any hope to solve this problem?
you only uninstalled Mobile Security - but left Anti-Theft on your device.
the SMS is sent to our SMS gateway and informs the database about the current phone number. It is sent, when a device is paired with our portal and when a SIM card change takes place.
We informed you about this during the setup process of the online account.
to uninstall our app please proceed as follows:
open your phone’s app manager and uninstall the app with the custom name you chose on installing avast! Anti Theft. In many cases the name is “Update Agent”.
If you can’t find Anti-Theft like this, please go through all installed apps. Look for apps you don’t know what they are doing. If you come across an app you don’t know, select it in the app manager.
You’ll see some options along with a list of permissions the app requests in the android system. If the list matches this list:
you found Anti-Theft. Just uninstall it.
Of course you can just uninstall all apps you don’t know, as it’s most likely that you don’t need them if you don’t know them. You can’t ruin anything here, as all system related apps are uninstall protected.
If you find the app and the uninstall fails, please remove the app from the device administrators list (you can find it in your phone’s settings).
If the uninstall fails please remove the app from the device administrators list (you can find it in your phone’s settings).
to remove root installations of avast! Anti-Theft you can use the “avast! Anti-Theft removal wizard” or use the free tool “Titanium Backup”.
alternatively we offer a uninstall.zip at
unzip it and run uninstall.bat with your phone connected via USB to the pc. make sure usb-debugging is enabeled on your phone and the phone driver is installed on the PC.
If you do it on the PC where you rooted your phone you usually have these drivers available.
for further information you can also consult our manual available at:
it will help you understand the basics of the software.
give it a try - it’s short and easy to understand.
You could find a lot of info and solutions in the FAQ: