I was notified that avast had picked up the trojan win32:murlo. It is isolated in the security chest. Now however when I need adobe acrobat 7.0 it will not load. a message pops up which reads “acrobat fail to load its core dll” and computer freezes until I “end task”. I figured I would go to adobes site and either resolve problem or reload acrobat 7 but computer freezes on their site. Should I uninstall acrobat 7 and start over or do anything with the program isolated in Avast security chest? The security chest lists A0015795.dll with a location in C:system volume/information/restore.
I run win XP on cable modem with Zone Alarm and have no other problems to date.
The issue you are describing is a known one and has already been discussed and solved in another thread.
Please use the search option on this board before asking.
Let me guess. You are using vps version 536-3…
The latest is 536-5 and your problem was already solved with version 546-4
Keep your system up to date.
I attempted to use the search first [as well as FAQs] but the problem being so many topics I was unable to find specific assistance. The only thing I found was something about a false positive. Would you mind explaining what the vps is and how to update same? I attempt to keep everything up to date when I know about it. Except for this one issue the computer performs fine. Apparently from your comment this is an easy fix and I would appreciate being pointed in the right direction.
Well, the one about the false positive was the one you should have read.
That one had the info that you needed.
The vps is the database that hold all the detection strings.
How to set update options depends on the connection and what the user want.
All update options are described in the help/manual.
Also have a look at the options the avast4.ini file is giving you.
There is a whole thread about it from Tech with a lot of usefull information.
I suggest you take some time to make yourself familiar with how Avast is working and what options/settings it is offering the user.
I did read it but what is the solution? All it says is that the fixed vps has been released. I figured out the vps and I do have the current version 536-5. All other systems are up to date on my computer. Should I remove the file from the security chest?
The solution was updating the vps.
And yes you can safely restore the file from the chest.
Not deleting it, but restoring it.
This should make Adobe Reader working again.
OK, I restored the file and rebooted the computer. Unfortunately I am still receiving the same fatal error report for adobe as listed above. Now what?
Just reinstall Adobe. That should solve it.
Thank you. Adobe Acrobat is once more working. Just out of curiosity is the file always left in the chest even though it was restored?
Yes, it’s kept there for security and backup purposes. You should manually delete it