Ive always used avast and recently got a new computer…
I downloaded avast and installed and everything worked fine all realtime shields active fully functioning… However… After i restarted my machine there were no real time shields running just in “unknown” and when i click start i get “! shield unreachable” error message also in the scan there no options to perform any kind of scan…
have tryed boot time scan… didnt help
tryed re-install which works until i restart computer
tryed repair no joy…
what is wrong with it…???
my computer hasnt had any other antivirus onit before either
running windows 7 ultimate on quad core i7
also running spybot s&d and malware bytes…
Boot into Windows Safe Mode and run the unistall utility you just downloaded.
Reboot. Is your Windows already “Validated” (being a new computer…)? After Avast was clean-uninstalled, double check your Windows is Validated (and validate it if not).
Reboot and install Avast using the (re)downloaded setup.exe.
Please reboot again after the installation, connect to the Internet and let Avast “alone” several minutes, so “all” relevant Windows programs/drivers/services/others can start correctly (even if Windows GUI seems to be ready, it might not, yet) and Avast should take some time to automatically check for updates.
After Avast has completed the automatic update (read the info at Avast GUI → Maintenance → Update), reboot once more.
I built my computer online. It came with no software atall apart from windows 7 and relevant motherboard software.
I have had it for about 3 months and have installed a fair amount of music production software.
(i had all the same software on my previous machine with avast and had no problems).
I followed all of your instructions.
I restarted after installing avast and it keeps crashing when i try to register it.
Will not automatically update either.
If i install it when i am connected to the internet it succesfully updates, but then when i restart it stops all realtime shields and also give me no options to scan my computer atall.
Also it says its secured.
Also if I schedule a bootime scan it will not let me choose what to scan on boot and will not restart my machine from the restart button within avast.
I have fully scanned with spybot and malwarebytes and there are no errors. Also when i first install avast and it works i do a full system scan and avast finds nothing.
“Unable to start the ! shield unreachable” on all real time shields when i click start
all real time shield status’ are unknown.
Its strange that it works perfectly until i restart my machine…
I have disabled all other software from starting on bootup and still it doesnt work…
I apologize for asking this specifically but it’s better to be sure.
Have you REdownloaded the latest setup.exe?
Did you unistalled using the Clean Uninstall tool from Avast using Windows Safe Mode? That means, NOT using the normal “Add/Remove Programs…”, nor under Windows Normal Mode, nor under Safe Mode. (See the link I posted before.)
Are you downloading from the official site?
Have you cleaned your web browser’s cache?
Are you running any other software while installing? This may include having to completely stop backup/ghost tools, real time defraggers, or any other real time program running, before starting Avast installation. This is also valid for “restore points” real time (automatic) creation.
Are you using “run as administrator” when installing?
do you have any virtualization software that may have the effect of “seems to let Avast installation”, but it actually blocks it?
Could you run the setup while being DISconnected to the Internet?
Is your HDD working OK (Scandisk test and fixes)?
Again, my apologies for asking so specifically. I don’t mean to be rude in any way. I am just trying to cover all points I can think about.