Avast just restarts endlessly (Android 2.2.1)

Yesterday I installed Avast. I downloaded it from market, it installs and ask me if I want to install AntiTheft. I agreed and it downloads and installed too. Now I can enter the AntiTheft (and customize it), but there’s no way to open Avast. Icon is shown in the task bar. I opened it and there’s only message about scanning installed applications, but progress bar is always shows 0%. Although screen is blinks a little. It seems, that application is restarting every 5 seconds.
I have reboot my phone. Uninstall and reinstall application without AntiTheft. Nothing helps. My phone - is a chinaphone Star A2000 GPS (based on MTK6516 CPU), Android 2.2.1 without root. Another man try’s to install Avast on the same phone with root and get the same problem.

  1. Have you tried to uninstall Anti-Theft first, then Avast?

  2. Do you have any other AV you your phone?

  3. After doing # 1, try pulling your battery out for a minute, then reinserting it, then reboot your phone.

  4. Reinstall Avast and see if it now works properly.


I don’t really know that device. Do you think you can install a logcat application from the Android Market (CatLog for example), replicate the problem and send me the output of the logcat application (usually a .txt file) to my email (havlicek@avast.com)?


There’s no other AV on this phone. I’ll try to take logs tomorrow.

OK, thanks.


I’v just send my logs. Now I just install Avast without AntiTheft. Avast reloads after 13 seconds of scanning apps.

Thanks. Got it and read it already! Do you think you could tell me what application is it trying to scan while it crashes (~reloads)? Should be written under the progress bar.

I suppose you are using the latest Android Market version (1.0.1473).


In my case, it’s “Contacts GroupU”. In the other phone I don’t know :slight_smile:
Market v.1.82 and Avast 1.0.1473

Thanks, one more question (hopefully I won’t have to ask more :)), is it the first application it scans or some other one?


Hi Tolianych,

i’m currently working on this issue. It seems it is completely unrelated to the “Contacts GroupU” application. I was not yet able to reproduce the crash, but i’m working as hard as i can to find the bug. But just to be sure, could you perhaps uninstall the Contacts GroupU application for a while and see if avast still crashes? If so, can you send me the log again? (email or PM, both is fine)


Oh, guys… It was so hard to configure Contacts GroupU… :cry:
So I uninstalled it, and nothing changes. Its funny, but now Avast crashes on CatLog that I have install to send logs to you :slight_smile: Actually, I think, it crashes on the first app that begins to scan. Maybe it depends on list Menue → Settings → Applications → Manage applications → Downloaded.
Next, i rebooted my phone, turn on CatLog recording, open Market and install Avast. Situation is the same. It still crashes on CatLog. Log file I have sent by email.

P.S. My phone is a half-noname chineese android-phone. Just search “Star A2000” in google. Here’s it:


Thousands of this phones were sold.

Hi again,

sorry for any inconvience caused. Looking at the log files i can confirm that there is certainly a bug, the crash occurs in the same place as before. I will get back in touch with you when i have the fix or if there is need for more information.


Thank you! I will wait. I want to use my favourite antivirus! :slight_smile:

same problem with my spice mi270.

This bug has been fixed and should not cause problems now. VPS version 120127-00 or newer required. Can someone confirm it is fixed?

Now it works! (v.1.0.1590)