Avast keeps blocking an projector app even all shields are disabled

I am using Avast internet security. I have trouble connecting my computer to an Epson projector using it’s own app named “EasyMP network Projection” with Avast installed.

I can run the program but when I select my projector and click connect, an error message pops up saying there is an network error. I believe it’s caused by Avast since the other computer without Avast has no trouble connecting.

I added the app to exclusion list, turned off avast firewall and all other shield but I still can’t link my computer to the projector. I have to uninstalled Avast to make it work. Is there any other thing I can do? Any advise will be appreciated.

Is avast firewall network profile in puplic or private mode? … try private


Thanks for the reply. I changed it to private but still have the same problem. I put the program directory into the exclusion list in file shield and behavior shield. I add the application rule in firewall and allow all connections for in and out. I also disabled all shield and firewall but still have trouble connecting to the projector. Those computers on the same network without Avast can connect to it easily.

Contact support: https://support.avast.com/contact

Anybody have a resolution for this ?? We have the exact same issue with Win 10 - Avast - and Epson iProjection. Can’t connect to our network projectors with Avast loaded…regardless of shields or services disabled. Any help is appreciated !! Dennis

regardless of shields or services disabled
Does that include firewall?

Is firewall network profile in puplic or private mode

NOTE:The Network profiles control the settings which determine how strictly Firewall protects your PC.

Private: a lower level of security suitable for when your PC is connected to a trusted network such as your home or work network. This profile enables better connectivity, and permits all communication within the network.

Public: a higher level of security suitable for when your PC is connected to a public network such as in a cafe or airport. Because public networks present greater security risks, no incoming communication is permitted when this profile is set.

As mentioned … this happens regardless if ANY shield is disabled or enabled…just like the original poster stated as well. We disable the Avast Firewall and Realsite anyway…

The install of Avast must overwrite a file or change a registry setting somehow. When you remove Avast, the Epson app works and you can connect to the projector. Of course I tried re-installing the epson app, in hopes of it correcting the issue, but no luck. Will not work with Avast installed.

BTW,your captcha images are a nightmare!

See Reply #3.

PS: Captcha is only needed for your first 3 posts. (Spam protection)

We found the work around - courtesy of Espon support. You need to disable the Avast self-defense module in the Troubleshooting section of the settings, then the iprojection works without issue. Not desirable, but until there’s a fix. Hope this saves somebody some time and headaches!