All of the sudden when I click on certain programs my Avast pops up with scanning information. How did I start this and how can I stop it? Thank you.
Which programs are activating the Avast scan?
What is your OS?
What version of Avast do you have: Home or Pro?
When did the problem start? How long prior did you install Avast?
A simple Repair may do the trick but I need more info.
Thank you so much. The repair seemed to fix it. I am running Windows XP on an HP system. I downloaded and installed Avast about a week ago and the popup thing just started yesterday. I went through and did some major cleaning also yesterday. I may have deleted something that I shouldn’t have.
The popups are interesting in that they are very fast and irregular in shape and size. I found that they happen when any program is accessed. Thank you for your help.
uncheck the “show detailed info” entry in your Resident task settings (doubleclick blue RS-ball and → customize/settings)
javascript:replaceText(’ ::)') I was wrong the first time…it was not fixed by doing a repair. However, thank you Whocares. Your advise was the most simple and it did correct the problem. Thanks for “caring”.