Avast keeps putting icon on my desktop daily

This just started happening a week ago. On a daily basis Avast creates a shortcut icon on my desktop. Prior to that it would only happen when there was an update. I keep deleting the shortcut and within a day it’s back. I never use that shortcut so I have no use for it.

Does anyone know why this is happening and/or how to stop it?


I hadn’t bothered removing it so it still there.

I have now deleted it and will see if it happens.
Are you rebooting every day ?

On this laptop I generally don’t do a hard shutdown, but just go into sleep/hibernate mode/status.

No, I don’t restart at all. The computer just goes into sleep mode when not used as it always has.

Then we should see if I can replicate it when I put my laptop into Hibernate mode when I close the lid (I do this many times a day).

Is your system a Desktop or Laptop (I don’t think the settings would be the same, why I attached the image) ?

Try restarting the system and see if that resolves the issue.
If not, I suggest trying a repair and a restart.

It’s a Windows desktop, Windows 7 OS.

It happened again overnight. I will restart and see if that makes a difference.

As a follow up, I restarted my computer and have not had a problem with the icon appearing since.

Thanks for the replies.

Thanks for confirming.
Many things don’t take affect till a system restart.
Any time you make changes to your system, it’s always wise to do a restart.

Avast keeps putting icon on desktop after every restart of the computer (stupid function).
Nothing will help, even delete it as an administrator or reinstall the program.
Only thing that help is to turn off Avast self-defense, then after deletion it stops appearing.


Do you mean you see multiple shortcut icons on your desktop, or you do not want the shortcut on your desktop, but after you delete it, it is re-added?
Can you provide a screenshot, please? https://support.avast.com/en-ww/article/Create-screenshot