avast! keeps reporting it finds a sign of a trojan in ClamWin

I’m unable to post logs or copy & paste from logs. I’m sure it’ a fp as there is no reason for a trojan to be in ClamWin.

avast! needs a lot of improvement in making their logs postable.

I’m sure someone will post a complicated way to do it. Why isn’t there an easy way ???

Why no copy & paste ???

May I ask, as I encountered a similar problem this morning with ClamAV, is the warning concerning a script? My Spyware Terminator/ClamAV update this morning has been triggering Avast! warnings upon each computer restart.

Regards, Kyuzo.

Seems double posting :cry:

Yes, it is, but it is unintentional. Maybe a mod will merge the threads.

I agree, quite unintentional. This is the first time I have ever had need to use this forum. I’ve never had issue with my Avast! program since I installed it.

If Avast! is reading this script in ClamAV or ClamWin updates, I’d imagine there will probably be more postings regarding this issue.

Why not go direct to the source file where the avast log viewer gets its data, C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\Warning.log and copy and paste from there.

I hope this isn’t too complicated for you :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you, David.

Hi rdmaloyjr,

I also use ClamWin next to avast in order to close the av vulnerability window somewhat further (with this open source non resident av solution) and I have not experienced any problems with it, just scanned the Clamwin portable software on my pendrive a minute ago with avast, all clear all green all 100% of it,


You’re welcome, not too complicated then ;D

ClamAV update process started at Wed May 13 17:20:12 2009
main.cld is up to date (version: 50, sigs: 500667, f-level: 38, builder: sven)
ERROR: Can’t parse new database C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.clamwin\db/clamav-68a86607f61b193f986009ee5e4ef7f2.000002e4.clamtmp

I wonder if avast!'s detecting a trojan in ClamWin is causing ClamWin to not be able to parse new database?

I can copy & paste from ClamWin’s log viewer, this is one place ClamWin is ahead of avast!. :wink:

Hello. First post here. Nice forum. Thank you for providing this exellent antivirus. Apologies for bumping an old post, but I did not find a solution for the issue mentioned here. If that is not OK, just delete the post and no one will be worse off. :slight_smile:

When updating clamwin, several files trigger Avast! But if you tell Avast! to take no action each time, the update seems to go OK.

When scanning the Clamwin Portable folder using Avast! the daily.cld file triggers an alert. If you tell Avast! to take no action, no harm is done. At virustotal-com and virscan-org, two apps out of 40 find the .cld file as a virus: Avast! and G-data.

When scanning with Clamwin, several files trigger Avast!, but if you turn Avast off temporarily no harm is done. Right?

I don’t see it as a problem. Its a false positive.

  • If you’re not on the 'net, stop Avast! temporarily while scanning with Clamwin.
  • If you are updating Clamwin, leave Avast! running and select no action when it alerts.

I kept the names of the files that triggered Avast!, but this post became too long, so they aren’t here. Still have them though, if they are needed.

See my posts, Reply #8 & #10 on the first page of this topic, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=45231.0.

Yep, good way to do it. Thanks. :slight_smile:

edit: um…well…maybe is better to make the decision each time to suspend Avast! or not instead of excluding items from protection.

Personally I don’t like the idea of suspending what would be ‘all’ protection in preference to exclusion. You would still have to exclude them for on-demand scans or avast would find the unencrypted virus signatures of clamwin.

Look, avast give you a further superior protection on-access.
Make an exclusion of on-demand avast scanning and let ClamWin only for on-demand (not resident).
My 0.02.

Thanks for the help, DavidR and Tech. I will do as you say. Must say it is very nice to find interesting and helpful folks on this forum. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

You’re welcome. Feel free to come back any time you need help or just to change experiences 8)