Avast Keeps Reseting my Allocated Space for System Protection to 3%

I recently encountered an annoying problem with Avast! whenever a new program update rolls out. To begin with I’m on a Windows 7 computer and my problem started several weeks ago, right after the program updated to a higher version. Then just now, the program updated once again and is now on 10.3.2225 (I’m guessing the update I got a few weeks back was 10.3.2224?).

Anyhoo, it has been my habit to perform a full system scan whenever the program receives a core update like this, but never have I had this trouble with it before.

What seems to be happening is, as the full system scan is in progress Avast! seems to shrink the allocated space for System Restore points to a measly 3% effectively DELETING every system restore point I had on my system. This only seems to occur with the initial scan I perform after each update.

Searching for an answer to this issue I’m having, I have stumbled upon the matter concerning “System Restore” not playing nice with Avast!'s "Self Defense Mode and how several people on this here forums suggested to turn of SDM whenever one wants to create and/or use a system restore point. In response to this new found information, I have since disabled SDM since I’m one of those “old school” types who still use system restore when everyone else insists that full system backup images are teh way of teh future. But even with SDM off, Avast! still reset the allocated space to 3% just a few minutes ago so yeah I’m kinda at a loss here.

No one?

So if I fool-heartedly opted to upgrade to Windows 10 I wouldn’t be able to get back to Win 7 because Avast! killed off all of my restore points when it updated its core code?

Very sad face here Avast! crew :frowning:

Normal restore points wouldn’t help you if you wanted to revert back after the win10 upgrade, system restore will only restore specific files, not a system.

After upgrading to Win10 it gives you the option to revert for one month.

OK granted that, but how about when I need to restore to a previous known “Good” restore point? How can I do so if Avast! keeps killing off all of 'em?

I’m not sure if it’s the same issue or not, but this guy seems to have had a similar problem as I did.

Yes his problem occured seven years ago and on XP instead of on Win 7 but still Avast! shrinking the allocated space for some unknown reason, therefore deleting all of my system restore points is an absolute bother.

Also, I am not absolutely certain if it is related but could my problem be related to Avast!'s Self Defense Module incompatibility with System Restore altogether?

Here are two threads I’ve found on this forum regarding SDM’s incompatibility with System restore:


I’ve also read cases where Avast! sets up the allocated space for system restore too high (over 50%) for others:


If this is true, then my guess for what I’m experiencing is Avast! now sets the allocated space at an extremely low setting.

This would be good for people with large Hard drives for example things like 1TB and up because 3% of 1TB is just 30GB… however I’m one of those few people who still uses a measly 250GB Hard drive for my system and 3% of 250 GB is only 7.5GB. When the allocated space is shrunk that small it automatically deletes every restore point I had, even the more recent ones.

And don’t you suggest me to get a larger Hard drive, computer parts are way expensive from where I am, plus my hard drive is still working perfectly.

I just hope the Avast! staff can fix this as I stand by this product ever since I switched to Avast! from AVG five years ago, after the AVG became nothing more than bloatware.

Avast! is an anti-virus but the way it has been acting lately it has become as intrusive as an actual virus or malware.

I cant help you with your shrinking restore points sorry as I’ve not seen the problem myself and I don’t use restore points ( I make images ), plus I don’t use the NG/virtualisation component of Avast so that might be what is causing you this problem, click to uninstall Avast and choose change on the following screen…everything mentioned in the centre column can be unticked then accept and reboot.

See how that goes.

@CraigB: Thanks for trying to help me out :slight_smile:

I did what you suggested, hit uninstall but then chose “Change” instead, the update/changes went well then I rebooted my system… now all that’s left is to wait for the next Avast! core update, perform a scan and see if it’ll shrink the allocated space again or not.

Incidentally I didn’t find that “NG Virtualization” option you mentioned, there was a “Virtual Machines” option though, was that it?

Yes that is it.


@DavidR and CraigB: Thank you both for the confirmation :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

I apologize for Necroing this thread of mine but I just wanted to report that it happened again. As soon as I updated Avast to revision 10.4.2233 my system allocation for System restore points was again reset to 3% for 10% effectively DELETING ALL of my system restore points from my last response on here.

This is seriously annoying folks :stuck_out_tongue:

Avast uses System Protection feature for NG in older Avast version. We resized system protection up to 25-50% and let OS to manage it. Then we developed our own solution and we reset it back to 3% for all users. I’ll fix the code to do that only for users with 25%+. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

At least now there is a definitive answer from you guys and for that I am thankful.

I will definitely be keeping watch for further information and updates though.

This will be fixed in next update, hopefully your system restore limit won’t be reset anymore.

I’d be interested to know the thought processes that go on in making decisions to allow AVAST to muck around with Restore Points in the first place. It is just so arrogant and potentially puts the system at greater risk.

Many programs install their own Restore Points before and after use, Revo Uninstaller is a good example, but plenty of installers do the same for greater safety. This allows you easily to go back later and undo what you’ve done if it turns out a mistake has been made or the program’s installation or removal has had unexpected consequences.

I put in a Restore Point before I install any new software or update key programs and only this week doing that has saved me a lot of extra work sorting out just such a problem. Admittedly it was mainly the result of mistake I made but that is one of several good reasons why they’re there. With the Restore Point I put in the matter was resolved in little more time than the computer takes to reboot.

But if an AVAST update came along at the wrong time, bish, bash, bosh Restore Point space suddenly shrunk to 3% and you can’t go back. Restore Point(s) deleted and computer messed up but, hey, its being fully protected by AVAST so you should be happy.

I wouldn’t be, I’d be bloody angry.

MY Restore Points are managed very carefully, I allocate the space I want. I choose which ones to delete and when I do it.

It is bad enough when Windows itself does an unflagged clear-out of older Restore Point(s) to accommodate an unnecessary new one. Now we have to worry about AVAST shrinking the space and reducing the number even further, something which actually could render them redundant

You guys at AVAST seem to get so fixated on protection that you can’t see the wood for the trees. Of course we want protection from the nasties out there but not at the expense of key functionality, interference with the OS’s own built in safety nets and the ability to maintain effective control over our own systems.

I’m grateful this matter is going to be fixed but it should not have happened to begin with.

Leave Restore Points alone in future, please.

Agreed…but I “think” the issue is Avast Developers have jumped into the world of “virtualization” which is by nature a PIG on resources. I get their idea of how this can add another level of A/V protection but I’m still not sold it is worth the resources it consumes on my PCs. I applaud them for their cutting edge thinking but NG has not been the only thing Avast A/V (and other A/Vs) do that is intrusive to the system…BUT as Viruses get more “intrusive” so too are the prevention & counter measures. While I do have System Restore enabled, and do not want anything messing with it, I agree with CraigB that the true “restore” is offline imaging…frankly system restore is not always reliable…but there are times it is very help for minor miss-ques. Bottom line, I choose to not install NG for variety of reasons…consumption of space…or possible corruption of restore points is just one good example.

Not everyone can afford external hard drives though, which is why some of us still depend on system restore as a backup.

Incidentally making frequent image backups seems a bit OCD-ish :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, an external hard drive is an additional cost, but I think that’s the way to go: backing up an image of your system. Security software and malware can not muck around with your backup images, if you unplug the external hard drive after the backup.

I can think of situations where Windows Restore would not help you, but give you a false security.

I won’t argue I’m OCD…but as the former CEO of Intel (Andy Grove) said/wrote “only the paranoid survive”.
To be honest, you can do “on-disk recovery” methods (eg. System Restore, RollBack RX, etc.) but the reality is HDDs will (not if) fail…it is just a matter of time. You need to be protected for as they call it “bare metal recovery”…meaning new HDD in PC and re-image. This will happen…forget about just Virus or bad driver installs, etc…and if you don’t have an external image of your HDD you lose everything. Obviously, with the new “cloud” world you can/should have your important “docs” backed up in the cloud. Bottom line, is just live Virus/Malware protection…having backup protection is a layered approach. I once read a good instructional manual and the commentary within in it stated “I’m often asked how often should I back things up ?..my answer is simple…exactly how much of your data/info since last backup are you willing to lose forever.”.

As 1234ava states…System Restore is great to have/use and is helpful but FAR from getting you out of all jams…if you depend on it solely then you are definitely running with blinders on.

  1. They are getting cheaper, but another option is a second internal HDD (which I have on this system), this tends to be cheaper and is usually a faster spin rate.

  2. Rather depends on what you consider frequent. I do a weekly drive image backup (and keep the last 6). There are some drive imaging programs that also do daily incremental backups between full weekly image backups.