Avast keeps scanning file every 3 seconds.


updated to say its in web shield.

Any thoughts why ?


That is the Web Shield. Are you downloading Flash player or did you download flash player recently ?

You could reboot and see if it is a Web Shield glitch.

Yes and it was possibly done today and it could have been done with psi software inspector !

rebooted no difference.

Could you give us a screenshot of the Shield Traffic ? see image below

Thanks for the quick reply’s.

Last time i looked after reboot approx 30 mins ago the above file was scanned close to 900 times.

It has now stopped ! probably given up and the web shield is acting normally :slight_smile:

will monitor and get back if the fault happens again.

thanks for your help. :wink:

Hmmm… Some stuck. Hopefully nothing serious. Some glitch by your browser. Anyways if it happens again clean your browser cache and temps. Also you could try repairing Avast!.

You are welcome.

It is not glitch by the browser.Sometimes I have similar problem with EagleGet downloader
and Web Shield.Same url is scanned hundreds of times by Web Shield until file is downloaded.
If I use DownThemAll Firefox addon-manager everything is normal,url is scanned one time.It is
not happening always.It is probably Web Shield bug.