Hi there, I have Avast AV Pro and, in the last 4 days, randomly, the programme will stop and add an icon to the desktop and need to be restarted?
It will run again fine for a time but, will do it the next time when I start anew. I have MBAM installed and have done the exclusion on it and on Avast
to isolate MBAM. I have another machine on my small network with both of these programmes on it and no issue what so ever. I have run so many
scans using MBAM, Avast and MBAM Adaware scanner but, no joy there at all. I even pulled the memory from this beast but no joy.
Maybe someone has had this issue before? BTW, I did try to repair install Avast to no avail either, I am stumped.
Windows 10 pro 64bit version 15063.332
Avast Pro AV, 17.4.2294 Build 17.4.3482.0
I went into programmes and did a repair install of Avast and it tells me I have an incompatible AV installed (MBAM) and that I should uninstall it? (not likely)
I have NOT done an uninstall and reinstall yet. I am at a loss to understand why this has happened but?? Like I said I have another computer with the same
setup and have had NO issue what so ever and this seemed to happen after the last update of virus definitions.
This is STILL a problem. It is doing the same thing after all that I went through with uninstalling and reinstalling.
Anyone else have an idea? I am getting to the stage where I don’t think I will bother to pay for another year
of avast on any of my machines.