Avast! killed a 16 year old solitaire program and I can't re-install it! HELP!

Avast has all of a sudden killed a solitaire program my mom loves and has been playing for over 10 years. All of a sudden today she goes to play it and Avast went nuts and said it had some sort of trojan and deleted it. Both she and I have been playing this game for over 10 years and never had any problems.

Now I can’t reinstall it. I can’t even delete the registry key for it. When I try to reinstall it the program says the directory already exists - but it doesn’t. Windows also gives me messages telling me to correct errors and try again but it doesn’t tell me what said errors are.

And where the hell is the “exclude” or “whitelist” in Avast now? I can’t find it since the entire program interface has been redone.

If I cannot resolve this issue and get this game back it looks like I will be dumping Avast

If you can do a screenshot of the alert window - right click on the avast tray icon and select ‘Show last popup message’ - this will help determine what action to take.

Where the hell the white list is is dependant on what the alert was.

Avast doesn’t delete (unless the user has changed the settings), the default action is to send to the virus chest. So there is a possibility it is in the virus chest - in which case there is something that can be done.

Well I tried replying but it didn’t post for some reason.

The alert window Avast gave me had a lick to add the app to the “exclude list”, or words to that effect. I clicked it but it still deleted the program. And when I go to reinstall the program I get the error you see in the attached picture. The only registry key is the one Avast created refering to the deleted program and I cannot delete it. No other registry keys referring to this app appear anywhere else in the entire registry.


As far as I’m aware, Avast doesn’t create registry keys and certainly not for referring to deleted files, again, as mentioned before), deletion isn’t a default action - I don’t know what registry entry you say you can’t delete, if that differs from your image. There are many registry entries that you have to have elevated permissions (take ownership of) to be able to do anything with them.

If it gave a click to add the app to the “exclude list” this is either the avast DeepScreen or Hardened Mode both of which (certainly Hardened Mode) are not enabled by default.

Check the avast Chest to see if a file was moved to the chest - avastUI > Scan tab > Scan for viruses - look at the bottom of the screen for ‘Quarantine (Virus Chest).’ Clicking that opens the Virus Chest.

Check the avastUI > Settings > General - scroll down and open Exclusions. Now check the DeepScreen and Hardened Mode tabs and see if the exclusion was added there.

That key is not created by avast, if that key exists it was created by the installer of the application.