Avast killed my computer - total annihilation


I just downloaded Avast 4 professional edition anti-virus software. I’d just like to mention it’s the first time I’ve ever paid for it, and it’s the first time I’ve ever had problems - and boy, do I have problems:

After downloading I restarted my computer as per the prompt. The screen was initially black with text running across it, I didn’t pay too much attention but my files seemed to be being scanned. The next time I looked my screen was completely black, blank. Long story, short, I can’t seem to turn my computer on. The screen stays blank and nothing happens. NB. all this happened long before I got to the registration phase. (I’m writing now via my old computer.) I really don’t know where to start with this. Am devastated, having just uploaded my new copy of Dreamweaver yesterday. Anyone else had anything like this happen to them? Any suggestions please? Is there a helpline where I can actually speak to someone?

Any help much appreciated.



so you’ve selected the boot-time scan after install to be done? and it failed to load windows properly?

Try booting into safe mode http://www.pchell.com/support/safemode.shtml - avast doesn’t run in safe mode, uninstall avast using add remove programs and reboot.

That hopefully should reboot as normal, if not there might be something else going on.

What other security programs do you have installed ?

Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

Normally when you install avast it will ask if you want to do a boot-time scan did it and did you accept ?
If yes to both the avast boot time scan starts a screen (image 1) did you see this ?
If avast detects anything during the scan it will give options (image 2) did avast detect anything and if so what option was chosen ?