Avast + Linux + shoddy presetation = bad move.

First off - after years of having to run multiple scans insequence - of different vendors and tpes of malware detecting products on Microsoft systems - especially before archiving large volumes of data.

I am just SO completely grateful for Linux, in particular Ubuntu - and all the people who work so hard to make it all happen.

I am also immensely grateful for all the free antivirals and what knot…

BUT what much of the Linux movement has suffered from is the completely fragmented approach to system or core issues.

AND YOU people at AVAST are just as guilty of really sloppy quality control and the lack of applying common sense.

I shall explain.

OK on the Avast website it says FREE ANTIVIRAL for LInux - and it gives several packages for different systems.

So you select the appropriate package and download it - “Great!” - but that is it.

There is no instructions on HOW to install it.

There is no insturctions on how to pull up the manual for it.

There is no instructions on how to update it… NOTHING.

So I dive into the site… again NO INSTRUCTIONS.

Then I dive into and search the forums… something… It’s a LINK back into the Ubuntu user forums… on how to install and that is all there is.

So I am thinking, "Are the people in Avast, doing such a poor job of promoting the use of their product that the only and partial installation instructions for it, are in another companies website?

Well yes - the people in Avast ARE doing such a bad job of it… that this IS what is happening…

I am also thinking that this way of operating must make is so difficult for so many people - and rightfully it would provide not only the grounds for not using the Avast products, but it would also give Avast a well deserved bad name amongst consumers as being lazy and incompetent.

All it takes is to have one or two short paragraphs and about 6 lines of code, AT the user page where the downloads go from - teling the CUSTOMERS - how to get into SUDO, how to install Avast, how to find the manual, how to run the updates and perhaps some other important things;

Then not only would pretty much everyone be able to use the product - but people would regard the Avast company as being a company that has high standards, instead of being sloppy operators.

If you want to know a simple principle in business - it’s quality services and quality products are always in demand; and people who refuse to do what it takes to get beyond providing poor service and a bad product - are always going to end up losing their business to the smart oeprators.

So I’d really like to see you people spend several hours and recode the webpages with my directions; and these small but fundamental changes will be sufficient to put Avast on top of the Linux Antiviral heap - instead of being in amonst all the other idiots who lack the common sense - enough to even put in the basics.

As the installation of avast is very easy in ubuntu, is how to install any other program.

Today not use avast on linux for the simple reason of wanting freedom, (I mean free software or open source) programs in linux only owner, and flash player, java only.

The topic is not for windows, more windows in use avast, it does not want to change from time to time step a removal tool.

The advantage I see in using anti virus in linux is that you can install more than one anti virus.

If australian peopole are too stupid to install a LINUX software , Avast is not guilty !!!.

A 5 years old kid would be able to install avast all alone.

Yes, here’s the how-to: download the proper package for your system, and install it as any other program (click on it, use package manager, whatever). :slight_smile:

Yeah I was quite wrong on some bits as it turns out… but mostly right on others…

Much of this linux bullshit - and it is that; is that some one will do a program; but they don’t do an installation sequence file to do with it, nor do they write up a manual for it…

But on another completely unrelated webpage, there is some one writing up on how to do the settings, but they don’t tell you how to install it, not how to configure the fire wall…

On another completely unrelated website, someone is doing a write up on the programming of the program it’s self, but they only use an excerptof coding from the manual, but they don’t tell you how to get to the manual, what programming comes before the excerpt, and the issues to look at after running the code.

Same with the Avast stuff - OK there is a great write up in the Ubuntu site - but like aside from the issue of MARKETING and market penetration, why isn’t the article up on the Avast site - where you get the program from?

Like “Oh Duhh!”

Use the .deb package if u want an easy install for Ubuntu… N i find it quite simple to use… Unless u r some stupid person with no brains at all…

N try not to shove responsibilities on avast…

Note: this is avast forums… not Ubuntu forums…

Never look a gift horse in the mouth.