I have done an AV scan and boot scan and I’m clean with nothing in my Chest. So what does this error mean?
It happens to also coincide on the same day I had an upgrade from v.4.8.1367 to 4.8.1368. Under Warnings of the Viewer, it appears that the upgrade failed initially then tried again successfully, but this was earlier in the day. Everything appears to be working fine with the software. Should I not worry about it? Thanks.
Doesn’t mean that there is definitely not a problem. But results from yr scans suggest you have nothing to worry about, particularly if there are no hard error messages returned to yr desktop screen.
I and many others have same kind of entries in our event viewers and logs.
Sometimes there is glitches and things don’t go perfect to plan at a time but a long as this is not consistently the state of running (and with errors being returned to screen) you’re okay.
This question comes up quite often in the forum. Answer is - nothing to worry about.
Personally I keep my nose out of the logs as for the most part the content is verbose and not to helpful to a user, more so for a developer. Only if I experience a problem with avast or hard errors are displayed to the screen do I look in the logs.
So are you getting any errors displayed to the screen or other avast problems ?