Avast Log Viewer

Hello…I am new to AVAST and have just today run the updates and a VRDB. In looking at the log viewer I see the headings as Date,Time Blank Application Description

Under the heading that is Blank it shows SYSTEM

It is normal for there to be a heading with no description (blank) and with the entry in that heading to be SYSTEM

My heading is blank but it becomes obvious in some of the different log viewer sections that this column is meant to be User.

I have to admit I haven’t noticed it before, I’ve only had avast a little over 4 years ;D I don’t spend much time in there and when I am I’m looking at the data rather than the headings.

So I don’t know if this is something that has been there all the time, this image (from April, used for an example on expanding column widths) shows it blank also, or something introduced in say version 4.8 ???

Thanks David R…now do you think it is normal for SYSTEM to be indicated as the USER (I thought that’s what it probably was also) or should it be the user name on the computer (which on my PC is Lionel)? Thanks again.

:slight_smile: Hi :

In the Avast Log Viewer, there are various “Sub Menus” . For me, either
“SYSTEM” or my Name appears in the “Error”, “Warning” or “Notice” menus
only .

Yes, I would say it is normal to see System in this regard, as when you install avast you do so with an account with administrative privileges and some elements of avast that need to be at a higher level than a user to provide protection.

If you look in the Task Manager you will see the same sort of thing with other processes, my firewall is under System as is a graphics card process.

As Far I’m aware it is the account that you have logged on as not the name of the PC which theoretically could have multiple users.