Avast logging system

After a mention in another post I have a “strange-feeling” the way Avast logs events.

In the settings off the logging system you are able to define what Avast should log,… => Errors, Info, Critical,… ect,…

So the way i see it: If you set the arrow on “errors” avast only log Errors,…and no info, virusattacks,… :frowning:
So it logs stuff,…but just one thing,…

Personally I think it would be much better just to work with the same method we can find back in the " On-Access-control-thing"
=> Normal - High - Customize

Normal: only the most common used: Virus attacks, critic errors,…
High: Virus attacks, critic errors, Info,…
Customize: using some sort of “listbox” where you can choose what avast should log and what not,…

I base my theorie on something I just had: I got a warning from an email with “iframe”-stuff or something like that,…Avast called it dangerous,… but the log file showed completely empty,…

So i think the log system is something that should be more “enhanced”

Another thing i have noticed is that there is no scrollbar so one icon is not visible,…=> see screenshot.

hope i can make my point :slight_smile:

I am using Avast-Home edition - latest version availabe

agreed. but I am sure they are working on it :slight_smile: