avast logs messed up

I noticed avast logs are messed up after avast program version update v8.0.1488

very hard too read

i will attach a log file to show you

log files that are messed up are


there maybe others but that all i found in my folder

please fix log file layout so the entries are in a column and lined up

please fix this soon

please reply still having same issue

have you tried avast repair?

ad/remove programs > avast > uninstall > repair option > wait a minute and reboot

any change?

ok i will try uninstalling it and reinstalling it after i save settings will reply soon

why uninstall when you can try repair?

i downloaded the setup file from download.com but they don’t show file hash info
so checked hash with winmd5sum tool
result: md5:5287edb4c714cb04d3aaac7523be8414

i checked on site old apps.com and the hash is different

I’m confused don’t want a corrupted setup file

please post the correct md5 hash for setup file

how to repair avast video…this is for the old 4.8 but it works the same way


if you want to reinstall…

remove with this. http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility

download and install again. http://www.avast.com/download-software

can you tell me the correct file hash for setup file

have no idea, and have never seen it in this forum of on avast website…

OK i downloaded the setup file from forum and the hash matches the other setup file

so it seems setup file is fine

The avast logs are still messed up after i reinstalled it

there not written in a column

will attach logs

avast team please fix this soon in a small patch

thank you

this bug is still in version 8.0.1489

has this bug been fixed is new version 8.0.1497

did not see it in change log

the bug is still in version 8.0.1497

when will this bug be fixed