Avast loses Google Chrome so Script Shield doesn't work

Avast not infrequently seems unable to locate Google Chrome so that Script Shield is ineffective for Google Chrome. I notice this on 64bit Windows 7 where Avast either finds Google Chrome or it does not. It is not clear why.

I use Windows XP. Avast 6 applied Script Shield to Google Chrome but Avast 7 does not.

I am very pleased with Avast 7. :slight_smile: My test system is much snappier with 7 than with 6. It works well with Outpost Firewall Pro 7.5.2 which has both real-time antispyware and Web Control enabled. It also works well with BufferShield (sys-manage.com).

I do wish that Avast would clear-up the Script Shield issue with Google Chrome for once and for all. Since Avast pushes Google Chrome so enthusiastically, to the extent of almost making it part of the Avast installation procedure, the least it can do is to ensure that Script Shield always works with Google Chrome.

not sure if Avast can’t locate Chrome ;D … but yeah, there seem to be some issue with the script shield that doesn’t scan much anymore. It’s been like that for a couple of days now on V7 (including beta versions)… not sure what Avast is doing about it, anyone? thanks.