Avast Mac and Mail 3.2 error

First of all, I want to say that I’m very happy to have a version of Avast! that will run on my Macbook Pro! It works very well with one exception - and that’s what I’m asking about today.

As you know, when the Mac boots, it loads Avast! which then is followed by the Mail app loading. Ever few boots, I receive an error from Mail telling me that the database has a problem and that I need to quit and reopen the program to import all my messages.

This works fine - but it’s getting to get old having to constantly worry about the crash and whether the mail will indeed come back or not. Since everything else seems to be working great, I don’t KNOW that the problem is part of my Avast installation - but I do know that it didn’t exist prior to that installation.

Does anyone know if this is a known issue or something new? Does anyone know of another cause for this problem or, better yet, a solution to it?

Thanks for any and all help.


we officially no longer support MacOS 10.5, the newest one supported OS is MacOS 10.11. I have no clue what could be wrong and what can be done about the problem.
Kind regards,
Ondrej Kolacek