avast mail notes

hello to all
my avast mail nots be displaing wrong
it shows only "aaa"and not the year
avast! Antivirus: Inbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 000710-0, 03/02/2007
Tested on: 2/3/aaaa 22:10:29
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.
it occurried since the begin of year 2007
the correct notes seems like avast! Antivirus: Inbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0602-2, 11/01/2006
Tested on: 11/1/2006 15:12:08
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2005 ALWIL Software.
my date and time in setup seems to be correct

It seems a little strange since there are two dates on your message, the VPS date and that displays correctly and the Tested on Date which doesn’t.

The underlying format of the note uses two parameters, %VPS% which would appear to be from avast and the %TIMEDATE% that is possibly being taken from the system date and time, I don’t know for sure, but mine is displaying correctly.

Try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow. You need to be on-line to do this.
Virus Database (VPS): %VPS%
Tested on: %TIMEDATE%

Have you attempted to customise the clean notes at any time ?

thanks but i alrady tried it… even unistall avast… and i have not make personal mail notes…its standard…the two examples i wrote for show the wrong notes(first)and the correct notes(second)…if i understood correctlly the same NOT OCOURRIED for you?should i have formatted the machine?what can i do? more ideas?

This hasn’t happened to me and NO you shouldn’t format the PC, this is a minor pain in the rear that simply doesn’t warrant that kind of severe action, which may or may not resolve it.

Since I don’t know where this %TIMEDATE% vale is stored, if it is an avast or system value I can’t really say what might resolve it.

Personally I add clean notes to outbound messages only, this may give the recipient some reassurance that the email is clean (and promote avast), but it is only text and something similar could effectively be put in an infected email to lull the user into a false sense of security.

I don’t take anything on face value and obviously avast scan my inbound email and doesn’t even know about what may or may not have scanned it previously, it simply doesn’t care and ALL email is scanned. I have actually received an infected email (intercepted) that had such a scanned by ‘One of the Large Companies in the AV world,’ so it is no guarantee it will be clean. So the worth of the clean note is very limited.

If this date problem were happening to me I would either modify the message removing the Tested on date as it is irrelevant since it would be the date the email was sent (see below and remove the text in Red) or not attach it at all.

avast! Antivirus: %TYPE% message clean.

Virus Database (VPS): %VPS% Tested on: %TIMEDATE% avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2006 ALWIL Software.

%INBOUND=Inbound% %OUTBOUND=Outbound%

Yes, it would be great to find and resolve the problem, but I just don’t know where to start after al I’m just an avast user like you ;D unless one of the Alwil team pick up on this topic and can suggest where this value is stored and how it might be changed.

You could an uninstall avast, reboot, install, reboot.
It would probably be best to download the latest version of avast and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again. Use that when you reinstall.

Don’t know if it is a solution, but when I had problems with my mailnotes files, Igor told me to delete the files (from the avast folder):


And then do an program update, then fresh files was downloaded and my problem was fixed.

They just look like the files that you can edit in the option Format of the notes, and if the %TIMEDATE% is there it still has to go looking for the source of the value and I don’t know where that might be.

I guess we need one of the team’s input.

ok i “solve” my problem changing the mail notes…but its not clear to me if its a problem in my computer?i am very worry about…maybe it helps if someone can tell about this problem with avast support team…i have try it but i have no contact…
forgive my ignorance and sorry if i disturb with a minnor question…if i could,i will be very very happy to help this forum people
thank you

What is the regional setting (“locale”) of your system? US English, or something else?

My earlier comment about it being minor problem was not meant to be dismissive of the problem, but to put in the context of there is absolutely no way you should consider a format to try and resolve it, when we can work around the problem without that.

Going by the email address ‘uol.com.br’ I don’t know if this might help determine the regional setting ?

Where does avast get the %TIMEDATE% variable from ?

my os and location is brasil-brasilia PT BR language

I checked the code, but didn’t find anything suspicious… :-
When you start the Simple User Interface - are the dates displayed correctly in its main window (Date of last scan and VRDB generation date)? (or are they corrupted in the same way?)

This “aaa” year is shown in every e-mail you receive, or only in some of them, while sometimes the date is correct?