Avast make a copy of file manually added to the chest

Long time ago avast was moving the file which you manually add to do the chest but now he just make a copy of it.
Why is that and what is the point if this if this is how it actually work now
When you manually add a file to the chest,you are doing this with the thought that the file you want to add is something bad.

when you add manually (file is not detected) it is only a copy

When you manually add a file to the chest,you are doing this with the thought that the file you want to add is something bad.
if you think the file is bad, upload and test it at www.virustotal.com first. ;) if detected, then you can add to chest and upload to avast lab and you can always delete file in orginal location if you want....

I’m just curious,why copied and not moved.
Why would you want to make a copy of a possibly infected file rather than move it to the chest?

Because until it is confirmed it is your suspicion. That is the difference between a detection which ‘moves’ it to the chest and adding to the chest which is a copy. I have been using avast for nine years from avast 4.x to 8.0 and this function hasn’t changed, manually adding it to the chest leaves the original in place.

Lets assume that this is a file in a system folder that you are suspicious of, its removal from that location to the chest could have adverse consequences. Avast is airing on the side of safety but just copying it to the chest so that you can submit it to the avast virus labs for analysis.

as you say…possible infected, not confirmed by any avast signatures