I work IT at a high school and I have had a number of students come up with extremely slow running macbook pros (latest models) or Preview taking a long time, if at all, to open PDF documents.
I checked the first few students’ laptops and noticed avast was using 300% cpu. Disabling file protection fixes the issue.
I quickly scanned this forum and other users are reporting similar issues. Is there a public fix/update? The last reply to these posts usually ends with “check your email”.
We apologise for this issue, cpu hogging is very hard to detect via our automated tests, especially if it depends on specific sample…
EDIT: we may have identified the issue; if it is so, the fix should be out later today or early tomorrow. I will post here additional information when I get it.
EDIT2: we now have a sample that causes this behavior
EDIT3: fix verified, it requires program update, new vps should get out today or early tomorrow
:-[ :-\ >:(
i also having the same issues. After latest system update, my computer become super SLOWWwww… AvastSvc.exe utilized a lot of CPU resources and Memory.
wanna turn off the Anti Virus also cannot. Click onthe Avast icon…the program cannot launch…
the issue should be fixed via new VPS released at 27. August 2019, cca. 16:30 UTC. The cause was a bug in pdf processing code which led to infinite loop for small set of PDF files.
Unfortunately the update of VPS itself will not stop the infinite loop; if this is happening to you, force update of Avast (just in case automatic update did not download the new VPS yet) and afterwards either restart your computer or run the following command in terminal:
i try many time to run CHECK FOR UPDATES but avast refused to update it…
Im still using ver 19.7.2388 ,Release date was Augus 15,2019. Its refused to update to the latest August 27 2019 version.
:-[ :-[ the update didnt helping much… its still taking a lot of my memory and CPU resources …
i tried to run “Repair” too and it doesn’t help much too. Until i have to uninstall and reinstall the whole program again and its finally
solved my problem.