I just got an email regarding Avast saying to reboot routers etc etc, or to update firmware, well, I have a D-Link router that is not that old, but D-Link don’t support the updates anymore, and just in case anyone says, “well, just get a brand new router”, sorry, but that is NOT an option, because this particular router has a feature that is essential to what I do, as do a lot of the older routers too, and it’s called NAT loopback, unfortunately, router manufacturers are now producing routers that either have that function disabled internally, or it’s completely removed, for me, NAT loopback is essential for the work I do, and before anyone says “use the hosts file”, don’t be cretins all your lives, the hosts file does not do what NAT loopback does, and that’s to be able to use a domain name from within the LAN just as if someone outside the LAN was to use the same domain name, and using NAT loopback allows me to use my 3D worlds client to access my 3D worlds development server at home, just as if someone outside the LAN was to access it, which while in development other developers can also access it too, and using NAT loopback also lets me see if anything is wrong with the connection, the hosts file doesn’t.
The router is a D-Link DGL-4500 still being sold at Walmart, Ebay, and Best Buy, but as I mentioned D-Link no longer support it, in fact I hate it when companies bring out a product and within 6 months to a year it’s (according to them) obsolete.
So, basically, I’m not really bothered about this so called Malware warning, because the attacks are primarily set for businesses, education and government, the measly individual down the road really doesn’t have that much to offer.
So, unless someone can find me an up-to-date, and I mean fresh off the production line, router that supports NAT loopback, with company support for at least 5 years, then I’ll stay with my DGL-4500