Avast manipulating virus?

I recently installed an optimizing app to my laptop but it turned out to be a trap… It kinda messed up my avast(updated daily) and made it detect every program (.exe) as virus and deleted them all… Now I can’t even log into my laptop and it keeps kicking me out as soon as i entered my user name and password…(win xp log on screen)

Hi Ahzkhal,

Would you please submit your last VPS signature update of avast?
And please give more spesific what is the file .exe what detected with avast?

Ouch…you say it detects any exe file

hmm have a funny feeling that its virut or sality…

Send some info about the warning from avast such as file name, path etc…^^


All of my exes are detected as viruses and explorer.exe seems to be spreading it like crazy… now all my games kicks me out every now and then while playing…

Hi ahzkhal,

Do you installed avast antivirus yet?

If yes, actually avast would be able to detect it : http://www.avast.com/eng/win32-virut.html

Before this kind of bad boy spreading to other application, please download and install virut removal :



Or you able to find other steps in this avast forum : http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=52725.0

All your file are infected with only a virus maybe because it got it without you to know(No antivirus in your computer)Then it multiplies itself in your computer silently.
Do you use flash drives/pen drive?
If yes do you connect it to your computer without any Antivirus?
Or else other possibilities for him/her to get that :frowning: