I hadn’t performed an avast Manual Scan in quite a while.
I had only performed MBAM and SAS Manual Scans in recent times. And aside of MBAM flagging the CDBurnerXP and YTD Downloader Setup Files in my Flash Drives for PUPs … my system always comes up clean.
Sooo … this evening I decided to perform an avast FULL Manual Scan.
I was still Online at the time. (AOL Dial Up) Very early into the scan … POOF! My computer reboots.
I thought maybe it was just a glitch. I then figured … Oh, what the heck, the atmosphere should now be better after a freshly-rebooted computer. So, I started the manual scan again. Barely 3% into the scan … POOF! I get a BSOD.
I’ve been getting periodic failures to boot up recently or crashes.
I’m beginning to wonder if avast isn’t responsible for those.
Anyway, after rebooting after the BSOD, I ran a FULL SAS Manual Scan and everything was clean.
I then ran a Quick MBAM Manual Scan and that too came out clean.
To where can I send the 2 Mini Dumps that were generated?
I am using avast 8.0.1489. Yes, I know there is a newer version out. I won’t be able to install that until I go to my sister’s house and get the Setup File and the Bulk Virus Definitions File on her High Speed Internet sometime between tomorrow and the weekend.
I am using Windows Vista. NO other Real Time Anti-Malware Apps installed other than avast.
Here and there I’ve logged off my AOL only to BAMM! Find out that avast had been downloading Virus Definitions.
I don’t know if these abrupt interruptions of Virus Definitions Downloads could possibly corrupt avast.
But, I’m sure it’s something that should be avoided if at all possible.
THIS is why I and others have requested and requested that avast incorporate an Indicator in the System Tray to indicate when a Virus Definitions Download is in progress.
Look for the latest minidump in C:\WINDOWS\Minidump or in C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Compress it with ZIP, RAR or 7Zip and give it an original name. Add a text ( use notepad ) with your Forum e-mail and this topic URL.
Open Windows Explorer and copy/paste this:
Drag/drop compressed dump file into the right open window. Wait for transmission to conclude.
You can also do it like this:
Start > Run.
explorer ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming
Drag dump file into the ftb window.
Send PM to pk and warn him about the transferred dump file.
I don’t know. Neither of those instructions are making any sense.
Something seems to be missing.
I compressed the Mini Dump file.
Isn’t there an avast E-mail Address to where I can just E-mail the Mini Dump file as an attachment with the pertinent Info?
And who is pk?
After all, if I’m going to have to PM a heads up to this pk to inform him that there is an incoming Mini Dump, I would think 2 birds could be killed with one stone by doing everything via E-mail.
WHERE in that supposed Windows Explorer window is that code supposed to be copied & pasted?
I don’t see any area that remotely looks like that code would go into.
And as for dragging & dropping the compressed file … there too doesn’t appear to be any empty area there where that file would be dropped in. And I don’t see any Button that looks like it would initiate the sending / transmission process.
And I have no clue where that additional TEXT made in NotePad would go.
So yeah, I’m seriously missing some Info somewhere. ???
Is transmission supposed to start automatically by itself upon the drag & drop being performed?
Is there supposed to be some indication that transmission is in progress?
(Remember … I have Dial Up.)
I ask this because in trying both methods last night, I did eventually somewhat manage to follow the steps of the 2nd method, the one with Start > Run. However, once I got to the step where I drag & dropped the compressed file, I was … Okay, NOW what? I didn’t see any Button to start transmission and I didn’t see any indication that transmission had started by itself. So, with no indication of any activity, I was left to wonder … Okay, so is anything happening? Am I supposed to wait 1 minute? 2 minutes? 5 minutes? Or what?
Okay, here’s another thing I’m not understanding with that 1st method.
After opening up Windows Explorer, I’m supposed to drag & drop the compressed file into the “right open window.”
Are you talking about the BIG window to the right? Or the little Search window on the upper right?
Because the BIG window has stuff / folders there.
That can’t possibly be to where I would drag & drop the compressed file.
You need two explorer windows open the first one you have open where the zip file is that you want to upload is located.
The second window is the one you enter the ftp url in the address window, this should give a blank right side to the window once you have connected to the ftp location. You now go back to the first window, select the zip file and drag it into the right side of the second window.
See image example of what the second windows explorer window looks like.
Sorry Chim. Busy with Windows Update. Thanks DavidR I had an image like yours but I missplaced it.
I do not know if there is some on Win 7 or 8, but in XP you only see that the file changes, and the usual transmtion window, how it looks when it is finnished.
Avast! team member. This is just for him to know the name of the dumb file so he can look for it. It would be a good idea if you also report the name here in the topic.
Alright, I did as you said, David.
The big area in the 2nd Windows Explorer window did clear out. I assume that once that area clears out … connection to avast has been established?
I then drag & dropped the compressed file into the cleared out area.
Would it be safe to assume that once the compressed file appears in the 2nd window … it has been delivered to avast?
Because I didn’t see any further activity indicating transmission was in progress or that it had finished. There was only a slight pause and a window that came up right before the compressed file made it to the 2nd window … informing me that it was calculating the time it would take to upload the file. Then that window disappeared and that was that.
It is being sent to avast, but because you don’t have read permission of the incoming location you can’t see any activity or when it actually completes.
The time rather depends on the file size of the zip file and your dial-up connection speed, so it isn’t going to happen instantaneously, but may take a it of time. So on dial-up it would be advisable to give it some time to be uploaded.
Using windows explorer for uploading to an ftp site is very basic (if you haven’t actually got an FTP program) and you don’t get any confirmation that it has been sent successfully. But the problem with FTP programs you have to know how to use them, where as the basic windows explorer one isn’t to complex.
The compressed file was only 21 Kbytes. And I left both of those Windows Explorer windows open while I was writing my comments. So, hopefully that was enough time for the upload to take place.
I’ll know for sure when pk either confirms that he received the Mini Dump … or that nothing arrived.
OK, that’s quite small as I didn’t know how many mini-dumps you had or if you had a full memory.dmp (which can be quite large). So hopefully it got through OK.