Im new here at the forums. Is it ok if my resident is Avast and MBAM? Pls. advice
Thank you and more power Avast!
Im new here at the forums. Is it ok if my resident is Avast and MBAM? Pls. advice
Thank you and more power Avast!
By the way my firewall is COMODO
Is it ok if my resident is Avast and MBAM?
Yes. Good.
thank you mkis
Looks fine to me. Might want to add some “hosts” file protection as well, but that’s up to you.
Hi acidkillz2001.
Sorry for being so abrupt before. As scythe944 says you still have options that you can add to make your defense plan even more effective. With avast resident and MBAM you have good bottom-line, and from what I gather COMODO is very good firewall (with avast - as stand-alone unit set apart from comodo AV suite). I’ve never used comodo firewall so I cannot comment further on it, others here have so some info will be available in the forum.
You can work well off your bottom-line and strengthen your defense layers, “hosts” file protection is certainly a good strategy, but two AV resident is not good defense policy.
All good advice forthcoming from avast forum contributors like scythe944, so clever move coming here. My experience is that it just keeps getting better.
I would suggest other firewalls due to the interaction with avast:
Online Armour
Outpost Firewall Free
ZoneAlarm (last option)
Ok, I will change my firewall. I want to improve my security to my system because every time I encounter a virus I automatically format my system and thats toxic to me.
Thank you for all your advices guys.
What kind of interaction? I didn’t notice any conflictions while using avast+comodo.
Nowadays im pissed off by hips protection. ;D so i use Windows 7 firewall and Vista/Windows 7 Firewall Control. and a-squared hijack free is enough to examine some important elements on my system. btw, those who just want a basic firewall can install comodo as well without defense+ protection.
Well, it’s my own experience on Vista. Comodo messed twice my installation so deeply or can’t be installed correctly.
Sometimes, the interaction of both (Comodo and avast) will give you crashes and lags.
In some computers, they work fine. Go figure…
No crashes or lags here on XP SP3 with CIS 3.9 (firewall and D+ [HIPS]) and the current version of Avast. Tech, is your Vista machine 64 bit? From reading the forums, that seems to still be a problem using Comodo with any av program.
My system security is Avast + MBAM (paid version) + OutpostFirewallPro 2009 w/ Web Control Enabled + SpywareBlaster.
Is this good enough to protect my system? Pls advice
Thanks again
If you have avast then how is the resident scanner for the anti spyware module working (Outpost firewall PRO) . Mine isnt. It is all grayed out…
I didnt install the anti-spyware in outpost only webcontrol
Guys,My system security is Avast + MBAM (paid version) + OutpostFirewallPro 2009 w/ Web Control Enabled + SpywareBlaster.
Is this good enough to protect my system? Pls advice
Thanks again Smiley
Certainly is good enough. Granted your defense plan will always need to be maintained, and you will have to update as the circumstances require. Well done.
Personally I don’t believe you need the web control as the avast web shield should take care of that, I have that disabled or rather didn’t install it in custom install.
Thank you for the advice david. Ok I will disable my web control from now on. Thanks again
You’re welcome.