avast! Mobil Backup - problems to get root access


i’m bought the premium license for avast! mobile security to use the full feature set of mobile backup. Here i’m interested in app+app data backup. But i’m always running into problem that mobile backup cant get “root permissions” for the full backup.

So Backup ist stoppt at 36% - 42% with error message “A superuser permission request was denied or timed out”. I gave mobile backup root permissions for ever - without necessity of a new request.

My system is cyanogenmod 10.1 on galaxy nexus.



I think you can go to your superuser app settings and remove any avast! backup entry from the program list (if there is any).
I’ll reboot the phone and start avast! backup again. Don’t let it unattended or the screen to shutdown. Seems the superuser popup is not being answered by you.