Avast Mobile Beta News [Android]

avast! Mobile für Android [Beta-Test]

avast! Mobile Security [3.x]

  • Some UI rework: simple new dashboard
  • App Locking: Protect applications by password (premium)
  • Ad Detector or the Advanced Privacy Advisor: Scan applications for presence of the most common ad networks giving you insight into what type of information is gathered (premium)

avast! Anti-Theft [3.x]

  • Take pictures (premium)
  • Record audio (premium)
  • Collect contacts, call log and SMS (premium)
  • Send SMS from your phone (premium)
  • Geofencing: Automatically detect and act accordingly if your device moves out of a defined region (e.g. while you are in a bar) (premium)

avast! Mobile Backup [1.x]

  • Back up contacts, call logs, SMS (free)
  • Back up images (free)
  • Back up audio files (premium)
  • Back up video files (premium)
  • Back up apps (premium)
  • Back up app settings (rooted devices only) (premium)

Informationen: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=131203.0
Fragen & Feedback: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=49.0

Hinweis: Alle bisherigen Funktionen in AMS/AAT sind selbstverständlich auch weiterhin kostenlos verfügbar…!!

avast! Mobile für Android [Release-Versionen]

avast! Mobile Security [3.0.5949]

  • Neues App Locking Feature (Premium)
  • Neues Ad Detector Feature im Privacy Advisor (Premium)
  • Überarbeitetes Dashboard plus weitere Änderungen der Benutzeroberfläche zur Verbesserung der Nutzerführung
  • Neue Features in Anti-Theft (z.B. Geo-fencing, Foto machen)
  • Neue Backup Funktion
  • Diverse Tweaks und Fehlerkorrekturen

avast! Anti-Theft [3.0.5949]

  • Bilder aufnehmen (Premium)
  • Ton aufnehmen (Premium)
  • Geofencing (Premium)
  • Passwort Check (Premium)
  • SMS vom Web senden (Premium)
  • Viele Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen

Premium Funktionen (Bezahlte Funktionen)

  • Blockieren von Apps: Blockiert eine beliebige Anzahl von Apps.
  • Ad Detector: Erkennt Werbung und liefert alle Einzelheiten ihres Rückverfolgungssystems.
  • Password Check: Sperrt automatisch nach 3 Fehlversuchen zum Entsperren.
  • Geo-Fencing: Das Telefon führt spezifizierte Leistungen aus (z. B. Sperre, Sirene, Standort senden), wenn der festgelegte Umkreis verlassen wird (z. B. gehen Sie in ein Café und aktivieren einen Umkreis von 500 m, wenn dann jemand ihr Telefon stiehlt und den Umkreis verlässt, werden die spezifizierten Handlungen ausgelöst).
  • Remote SMS: Fernversand eines SMS vom Telefon.
  • Remote Identification: Den Dieb fotografieren, der versucht, das Gerät zu entsperren (Kamera vorne oder hinten verwenden, mit Gesichtserkennung). Audioaufzeichnung mit Stimmerkennung.
  • Backupfunktionen: Ermöglicht Backup von Video, Audio und Apps (auch Einstellungen und Daten für gerootete Telefone, z. B. Fortschritt von Spielen).
  • Premiumpreis (automatische Erneuerung): 1.99 € im Monat oder 14.99 € im Jahr.

Download & Infos: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=90820.0

Hinweis: Alle bisherigen Funktionen in AMS/AAT sind selbstverständlich auch weiterhin kostenlos verfügbar…!!

avast! Mobile für Android [Release-Version]

avast! Mobile Backup [1.0.5949]
Sichern Sie die Daten Ihres Android Handys und Tablets! Normalerweise befinden sich all Ihre angesammelten Kontakte, Musikdateien, Videos, Familienfotos und andere persönliche (unersetzliche) Daten auf einem Gerät mit begrenzter Lebensdauer. Sichern Sie sie auf sicheren, Cloud-basierenden Servern, so dass Sie sich keine Sorgen über Diebstahl und/oder Beschädigung (z.B. durch verschütteten Kaffee) machen müssen. avast! Mobile Backup ist eine kostenlose Android Backup Lösung von den Machern der preisgekrönten kostenlosen avast! Mobile Security App mit Antivirus und Anti-Theft.
Diese App ist KOSTENLOS, aber wenn Sie auch Musik, Video und Apps sichern wollen, benötigen Sie die Premium Version (kann auch später über die Free Version erworben werden).

Premium Funktionen (Bezahlte Funktionen)
Sichern Sie Android Apps, Audio und Video (sowie Einstellungen und Daten für gerootete Handys wie Spielstände) auf Google Drive. Bilder, Musik, Video und Apps werden als Backup auf dem kostenlosen 15 GB Einstiegsspeicher von Google Drive gespeichert. Falls Sie mehr Platz benötigen, können Sie diesen bei Google erwerben. Beachten Sie, dass alles, was physisch von dieser App auf Google Drive gespeichert wird, auch von Ihrem AVAST Konto aus sichtbar und zugänglich sein wird.
Einfaches App-internes Upgrade: Upgraden Sie jederzeit von der kostenlosen avast! Mobile Backup App auf avast! Premium
Premiumpreis (automatische Erneuerung): 1.99 € im Monat oder 14.99 € im Jahr.

Download: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?msg=527512

Hinweis: Die App ist kostenlos…!! Nur zum Sichern von Musik/Video/Apps benötigen Sie die Premium Version.

avast! Mobile für Android [Release-Version]

avast! Mobile Security [3.0.5994]

  • Diverse Tweaks und Fehlerkorrekturen

Download & Infos: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=90820.0

Hinweis: Alle bisherigen Funktionen in AMS/AAT sind selbstverständlich auch weiterhin kostenlos verfügbar…!!

avast! SecureLine für Android [Beta-Test]

We are happy to announce an open beta test for our upcoming product avast! SecureLine for Android.
You can now securely use your smartphones/tablets on unsecure WiFis while travelling or in your favorite coffee place. Many of you living in certain parts of world that cannot access foreign services and restricted content (Netflix, Pandora etc.) now have a solution to their problem. Best of all, the beta testers will exclusively get one month of subscription for FREE!

Please note important open beta information:

  • Only 2 servers will be available in beta: New York and London. Full release will have more around the world.
  • Exclusive 1-month free subscription. Standard free trial will be 7 days only after the beta closure.
  • avast! SecureLine will run only on Android 4.0 and higher

How to install:

  1. Join our beta Google+ group at https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the Avast SecureLine (beta) link on this page https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.vpn
  3. Click on “Become a tester”.
  4. Download through Google Play on your device OR install directly from Google Play website.

Informationen: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=141441.0
Fragen & Feedback: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=49.0

avast! Mobile Security für Android [Beta-Test]


  1. Join our beta Google+ group at: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the avast! Mobile Security (beta) link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.mobilesecurity
  3. Click on “Become a tester”
  4. Download avast! Mobile Security from Google Play

Please share your thoughts, opinions, and bugs you discover on the Google+ community or here on the avast! Community forum.

Informationen: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=153367.0
Fragen & Feedback: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=49.0

Hinweis: Every active participant who provides feedback here or on our Google+ community, will receive 1-year avast! Mobile Premium license in appreciation for your contribution.

Avast Mobile Security für Android [Beta-Test]


  • Completely new, redesigned Virus Scanner
  • VPS is much faster (up to 50%, depends on device)
  • New Referral program
  • Smaller APK size
  • Better Intel based devices support
  • A lot of small bugfixes and improved performance


  1. Join our Google+ group at: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the AMS link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.mobilesecurity
  3. Click on “Become a tester”.
  4. Download Avast Mobile Security from Google Play.

Informationen: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
Fragen & Feedback: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=49.0 oder bei Google+

Hinweis: Do you want premium for free? Try “Earn free premium” program, where you can obtain up to 90 days premium for free (every 30 days premium for send 5 SMS with link where to download AMS).

Avast Cleaner für Android [Beta-Test]

Avast Cleaner is sharply focused on managing device storage space. I am purposefully not giving any hints on how to use it - because we want to hear your opinion about the UI and any suggestions you may have to improve. Also very important - we want to hear your comments on how Avast Cleaner handles data of other applications on your device. If you miss any app in the results, let us know. And if you think, Avast Cleaner is showing anything by mistake, also let us know. We will listen.


  1. Join our Google+ group at: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the AC link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.cleaner
  3. Click on “Become a tester”.
  4. Download Avast Cleaner from Google Play.

Informationen: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
Fragen & Feedback: Derzeit ausschließlich in der G+ Avast Mobile Beta-Testers Community.

Hinweis: In the Settings menu there is a debug option to simulate cleaning and review all items to be cleaned. If you are the curious type, check it.

Avast Mobile Security für Android [Beta-Test]


  • Improved functionality of the App Locking feature
  • Internal structure of the app has been changed to make Avast Mobile Security faster and smaller in size


  1. Join our Google+ group at: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the AMS link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.mobilesecurity
  3. Click on “Become a tester”.
  4. Download Avast Mobile Security from Google Play.

Informationen: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
Fragen & Feedback: Ausschließlich in der G+ Avast Mobile Beta-Testers Community.

Hinweis: We would really appreciate it, if you could stability test this beta version and give us your feedback!

Avast Mobile Security für Android [Beta-Test]


  • New feature! You can connect to my.avast.com account via Google account (it’s not necessary to create new login/password anymore or log in via Facebook)
  • A LOT of bugfixes, including AppLocking, notifications, battery usage…


  1. Join our Google+ group at: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the AMS link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.mobilesecurity
  3. Click on “Become a tester”.
  4. Download Avast Mobile Security from Google Play.

Informationen: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
Fragen & Feedback: Ausschließlich in der G+ Avast Mobile Beta-Testers Community.

Hinweis: Hi power users, we’ve just released new beta version of AMS. Can you please look on it?

Avast Mobile Security für Android [Beta-Test]


  • Hi power users, we improved stability and added possibility to join our product pioneering program. Can you share your experience with latest build? Do you have any ideas or thoughts what to improve?
  • I have good news, we started to work on something awesome :slight_smile:


  1. Join our Google+ group at: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the AMS link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.mobilesecurity
  3. Click on “Become a tester”.
  4. Download Avast Mobile Security from Google Play.

Informationen: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
Fragen & Feedback: Ausschließlich in der G+ Avast Mobile Beta-Testers Community.

Hinweis: If you are from Prague and you will have some time, we can meet and I will show you how new AMS will look like! Just let me know to hermansky@avast.com!

Avast Mobile Security für Android [Beta-Test]


  • Fixed scan notications flow
  • Fixed problem with unknown error in virus detection
  • Improved stability


  1. Join our Google+ group at: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the AMS link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.mobilesecurity
  3. Click on “Become a tester”.
  4. Download Avast Mobile Security from Google Play.

Informationen: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
Fragen & Feedback: Ausschließlich in der G+ Avast Mobile Beta-Testers Community.

Hinweis: Thank you for your captious reviews! :slight_smile:

Avast Mobile Security für Android [Beta-Test]


  • We fixed some annoying bugs related to notifications
  • We also fixed AppLocking, on newer versions of Android it unfortunately required a new permission


  1. Join our Google+ group at: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the AMS link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.mobilesecurity
  3. Click on “Become a tester”.
  4. Download Avast Mobile Security from Google Play.

Informationen: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
Fragen & Feedback: Ausschließlich in der G+ Avast Mobile Beta-Testers Community.

Hinweis: Could you please test it and let us know if everything works well?

Avast Mobile Security für Android [Beta-Test]


  • We’ve added simple internal “App store” with apps
  • Also we fixed some issues with translations and again with AppLocking


  1. Join our Google+ group at: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the AMS link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.mobilesecurity
  3. Click on “Become a tester”.
  4. Download Avast Mobile Security from Google Play.

Informationen: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
Fragen & Feedback: Ausschließlich in der G+ Avast Mobile Beta-Testers Community.

[font=verdana]Avast Mobile Security für Android [Vorankündigung]

[i]Hey all, thanks for being loyal members of the beta community. We’re preparing a beta version of an entirely new Avast Mobile Security, redesigned and rebuilt from the ground up. As a tester, you’ll be the first to see our completely redesigned version of AMS 5.0. If you have auto-updates enabled, the beta version will install automatically when it’s published to Google Play. Please invite your friends to join the beta community and opt in to beta builds here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.mobilesecurity

Jesse & the AMS Team[/i]

Avast Wi-Fi Finder für Android [Beta-Test]

Hello, fellow group members! It’s our honor to present our new app, Avast Wi-Fi Finder. The app helps you connect to the nearest Wi-Fi networks, allowing you to save on monthly bills and roaming fees. Connect to a widespread collection of quick, reliable networks crowd-sourced by people just like you from all around the world. Today, we’re happy to unveil Avast Wi-Fi Finder and would appreciate hearing your thoughts and ideas about the app.


  1. Join our Google+ group at: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the AWF link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.wfinder
  3. Click on “Become a tester”.
  4. Download Avast Wi-Fi Finder from Google Play.

Informationen: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
Fragen & Feedback: Derzeit ausschließlich in der G+ Avast Mobile Beta-Testers Community.

Hinweis: Enjoy exploring Avast Wi-Fi Finder, and thanks for helping us develop great apps!

Avast Mobile Security für Android [Beta-Test]

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m proud that I can introduce new Mobile Security 5.0! And you are the first pioneers who can see this. You should receive update soon through Google Play.


  • What’s new? Almost everything. Please check it and let us know what do you think!
  • There’s still a lot of stuff to do (localizations, some design stuff, etc…) But I hope you will like it! :slight_smile:


  1. Join our Google+ group at: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the AMS link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.mobilesecurity
  3. Click on “Become a tester”.
  4. Download Avast Mobile Security from Google Play.

Informationen: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
Fragen & Feedback: Ausschließlich in der G+ Avast Mobile Beta-Testers Community.

Avast Passwords für Android [Beta-Test]

Dear users, I’m honored that I can introduce you the Android Beta version of our new application - Avast Passwords. This app is a free solution that makes storing of personal information easy and safe across all platforms and devices. Try our new solution for filling passwords into browsers and please give us a feedback how do you like it. You can get the best experience in Chrome and Opera, however native browsers and apps work as well. We are continuously improving the functionality and look and feel of the apps so you always can get the best experience using them. Any feedback is appreciated!


  1. Join our Google+ group at: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the APW link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.passwordmanager
  3. Click on “Become a tester”.
  4. Download Avast Passwords from Google Play.

Informationen: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
Fragen & Feedback: Derzeit ausschließlich in der G+ Avast Mobile Beta-Testers Community.

Hinweis: We also presented you a beta iOS version of Avast Passwords before. We also working hard on this platform and we have a lot of new features in new versions. If you want to try it please see: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?msg=1259613

Avast Passwords für Android [Beta-Test]


  • Avast Passwords for Android with support for 64 bit processors now available in Beta channel :wink:


  1. Join our Google+ group at: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the APW link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.passwordmanager
  3. Click on “Become a tester”.
  4. Download Avast Passwords from Google Play.

Informationen: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
Fragen & Feedback: Derzeit ausschließlich in der G+ Avast Mobile Beta-Testers Community.

Avast Wi-Fi Finder für Android [Beta-Test]

We have updated the WiFi Finder - we have reflected your comments and made marking private networks much clearer. Also we are now clearly marking unknown networks (that we do not have in our database) and improved navigation to distant hotspots.


  1. Join our Google+ group at: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
  2. Click on the AWF link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.avast.android.wfinder
  3. Click on “Become a tester”.
  4. Download Avast Wi-Fi Finder from Google Play.

Informationen: https://plus.google.com/communities/112394513906169233317
Fragen & Feedback: Derzeit ausschließlich in der G+ Avast Mobile Beta-Testers Community.

Hinweis: Tell us what you think about it now!