Avast mobile PRO purchase


Why is it possible to pay for Avast Mobile PRO only on Google Play? I refuse to put my card details on Google. Will you give the opportunity to pay for Mobile antivir within the main frame, where the regular computer licenses are bought?



AMS is only available in the store, that is why you have to pay there if you want the pro version.

Купил аваст про,но лицензия так и не включается, написанной купите про версию.что делать?

даша погодина,

this forum is about avast mobile and it is a English forum.

У меня avast mobile купила pro только pro не активируется и пишет купите эту pro,куда мне обращаться?

ENGLISH here !
And make sure your problem question is about this topic, if not start your own thread in ENGLISH or use one of the non-English forums .
